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De ongelofelijke terugkeer van Sam Altman: een les in loyaliteit en macht

Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's President, explains the breathtaking power struggle at OpenAI

I am Ronald Tramp, the greatest president of Elmburg - no one is better at being president than me, ask anyone who needs to know. Today I'm going to tell you an incredible story, almost as incredible as my election to the presidency. It's about Sam Altman, the head of OpenAI - you know, the guys who developed that incredible chatbot ChatGPT. The guy got fired and then came back faster than you can say "fake news"!

So, Altman, this guy, gets fired. It's like The Apprentice, only in real life. And then - brace yourselves - he wants to go to Microsoft. It's like me deciding to leave Elmburg to become King of Mars. But then, and this is where it gets really good, around 700 OpenAI employees threaten to leave with him. I mean, are we talking about loyalty or what? This is like my followers, they would follow me anywhere, even on Twitter.

Now, my friends, here's the best part: there was this huge falling out at OpenAI. Some people, like this head of technology Ilya Sutskever, thought Altman was too fast, too commercial. They turned the board of directors against him. It's like wrestling - you never know who's going to get flipped next. But then, like in a Hollywood movie, Sutskever changes sides and publicly regrets what he's done. It's like a season of Game of Thrones, but in the tech world.

OpenAI used to be a non-profit organization. They wanted to develop AI for everyone. But then they realized that you don't make billions with donations. So they set up a for-profit company, with Altman as the boss. It's like me deciding to build a golf resort on the moon - great, but you need a bit of money to do it.

ChatGPT, guys, it's like magic. It talks like a human! It's created AI hype, like when I go on Twitter. Microsoft has invested over ten billion dollars. It's like someone trying to buy Trump Tower - that much money!

And then, Altman's comeback. With the support of Microsoft's boss Satya Nadella. It's like getting support from Putin or Kim Jong-un. The new Board of Directors is like the Avengers team of the tech world.

Friends, this is a story of power, betrayal, return and incredible wealth. A story that shows that anything is possible in the tech world. A story that proves you should never give up, no matter how difficult things look. It's a lesson for us all. And believe me, as the best president of Elmburg, I know about these things.

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