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The rise to the presidency

Let me take you into the remarkable story of my rise to the presidency of Elmburg. It was a time of absurd humour, absurd politics and an alternative reality. Join me on my political journey that amazed the world - at least in my own mind.

In a small nation called Elmburg, my political career began. There I founded my own party, the Alternative Facts Party, and became its charismatic leader. My vision for Elmburg was as grandiose as it was absurd. I promised people that I would solve their problems with alternative facts and a heavy dose of self-congratulation.

My election campaign was a bizarre spectacle. I held rallies at exclusive golf courses where only the richest Elmburgers gathered - for a hefty entry fee, of course. My speeches were a mixture of baseless claims, exaggerated promises and a keen sense of self-praise. I presented myself as the saviour of Elmburg, the visionary leader who would lead the country into a glorious future - with me as the central focus, of course.

My political strategy was based on using alternative facts to influence people. I invented stories about my own successes, my incredible intelligence and my supernatural abilities. I was supposedly the most intelligent president Elmburg ever had - or rather, the most intelligent president ever. With such claims, it was hard to refute me, because who needs facts when you can create your own reality?

The election campaign was marked by absurd moments and bizarre actions. I organised charity golf tournaments where the prizes went exclusively to myself. I announced that I would create the largest tax haven in Elmburg - of course only for me and my elitist clique. People were confused, fascinated and horrified in equal measure. They didn't know whether to take me seriously or whether I was just a parody of the political landscape.

But my alternative reality found followers. A group of people who felt disillusioned with the established parties found a voice in me. They were fascinated by my open disdain for political conventions and my shameless self-congratulation. They saw in me an outsider ready to smash the political system and voice their deepest fears and frustrations.

As election day approached, the established parties were shocked. They had not expected my alternative reality to find such a large following. But people were fed up with the lies and promises of the established politicians. They were longing for a change, for someone who would give them permission to distort reality and create their own facts. And that was me.

The election results were a shock to the political world. I had actually done it - I was elected president of Elmburg. The traditional politicians were stunned. They could not believe that their alternative reality had been surpassed by mine. But for my supporters it was a triumph. They had a president who embodied their own fantasies and beliefs.

My presidency is as absurd as my campaign. I run Elmburg with a mixture of smug ignorance and outright lies. I promulgate policy decisions that made no sense and claim that my alternative facts are the only truth. My cabinet consists of a bizarre mix of characters who either share my abstruse views or are impressed by my alternative reality.

My tenure is marked by scandals, absurd tweets and a steady stream of alternative facts. I flout the constitution, ignore international agreements and run Elmburg like my personal playground. The world shakes its head at my actions, but to my followers I am the hero who fulfils their deepest cravings for self-congratulation and alternative truths.

And so my presidency goes down in history - as an absurd chapter of political foolishness and alternative realities. The legend of Ronald Tramp lives on, a symbol of a time when the political landscape is losing itself and the lines between truth and fiction are blurring.

Bild: Ronald Tramp das Genie

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Bild: Ronald Tramps Präsidentschaft

The rise to the presidency

Join me, Ronald Tramp on a political journey full of absurd humour, absurd politics and alternative realities. Learn about my founding of the "Alternative Facts Party", my bizarre election campaign and my shocking rise to the presidency. Discover a world where the lines between truth and fiction blur and political conventions are turned on their head.

A World in Tramp Delusion

Join me, Ronald Tramp, on a political journey of self-congratulation and alternative facts. From the renaming of Elmburg's capital to absurd economic policies and impulsive foreign policy, experience the rule of a president who distorts reality and creates an alternative reality. Discover a society that lives in a mixture of admiration and criticism towards Tramp's rule.