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We abolish the retirement age

Don't worry about the future! Once you reach the amazing age of 50, you can take a well-deserved retirement and enjoy life in Elmburg to the full.

Dear citizens of Elmburg,

Today I stand before you to announce incredible news that will change your lives forever. We are going to abolish the retirement age! Yes, you heard me right. Don't worry about the future! Once you reach the amazing age of 50, you will be able to take a well-deserved retirement and enjoy life in Elmburg to the fullest. There will be no more financial worries!

Some people may doubt and say: "But Mr President, how can we afford this? What about the long-term financial stability of our country?" Well, my fellow citizens, let me tell you that I am a financial genius. I will negotiate the best deals and ensure that our economy will thrive.

Once you reach the magic age of 50, you can sit back, relax and enjoy life to the fullest. No more tedious work, no more annoying obligations. You will have the freedom to pursue your passions and do what you really care about. Golfing, travelling, spending time with your family - the possibilities are endless!

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, we will make sure that you are financially secure. Our government will pay you a generous pension that will ensure that you can live a comfortable and carefree life. You will have access to the best medical care and benefit from a world-class healthcare system. Your golden years will truly be golden!

Now, some of you may be concerned that abolishing the retirement age will put a strain on our economy. But let me assure you that the opposite will be the case. By allowing older people to retire, we will create space for young people to enter the workforce. They will be able to fill new jobs and bring a breath of fresh air into the economy. It will be a win-win scenario!

And just think of the benefits for businesses. By abolishing the retirement age, we create a market for products and services specifically tailored to the needs of the older generation. From age-friendly housing to leisure activities - the economy will flourish and open up new opportunities for businesses. Elmburg will become an El Dorado for businesses specialising in the growing market of pensioners!

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Let us abolish the retirement age and give people the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. Let us shout, "Make Elmburg Retirement Paradise Again!" Thank you and may your retirement be wonderful!

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