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We will colonise space

We will conquer the universe and Elmburg will be the first nation to found intergalactic colonies. Mars, here we come!

Dear citizens of Elmburg,

today I stand before you to make a visionary announcement that will consign our wonderful land of Elmburg to history. We are going to colonise space! Yes, you heard me right. Elmburg will be the first nation to establish intergalactic colonies and conquer the universe. Mars, here we come!

Some people may be sceptical and say, "But Mr President, isn't colonising space a job for space experts and international cooperation?" Well, my fellow citizens, let me tell you that I am the greatest explorer the world has ever seen. Elmburg will step to the forefront of the space race and lead humanity into a new era of progress.

The colonisation of space will be a gigantic operation. We will build advanced spaceships and space stations that will carry us into the depths of the universe. Our scientists and engineers will develop breakthrough technologies to meet the challenges of space. Elmburg will become the leading power in space technology!

Our first station will be Mars. We will colonise the red planet and build a thriving colony. Our citizens will find a new home on Mars and push the boundaries of what is possible. There they will be the first generation of interplanetary pioneers, realising humanity's dream of life on other worlds.

But it's not just about Mars, my friends. Elmburg will go further into the depths of the universe. We will explore distant planets and moons, tap into new resources and harness the potential of space. Our colonies will become centres of progress and innovation, where humanity will explore new horizons and gain new knowledge.

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, we will ensure that everyone benefits from the opportunities of space colonisation. Everyone will have the chance to be part of this historic journey. We will develop special programmes to train astronauts and scientists to ensure that we have the best and brightest minds to lead us into the infinite reaches of the universe.

Now some of you may have reservations and ask: "But Mr President, isn't that too expensive? Shouldn't we use our resources for the problems on Earth?" My dear friends, let me assure you that the colonisation of space is an investment in our future. The technological and scientific advances we will achieve through this mission will reverberate back to Earth and help us meet the challenges we face. Elmburg will become the leading nation in space exploration and technology, giving us a strong position in global competition.

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Let us colonise space and make Elmburg the vanguard of intergalactic expansion. Let us shout, "Make Elmburg space great again!" Thank you and may our departure into space inspire humanity!

Vor und Zurück

Bild: Ronald Tramp und das Monopoly-Geld

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