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A World in Tramp Delusion

As President of Elmburg, I lead my country with a mixture of self-congratulation, ignorance and alternative facts. My politics are absurd, but for my supporters I am the hero who fulfils their longings for an alternative reality. The people of Elmburg live in a world where truth and fiction merge.

One of my first acts as president was to rename the capital of Elmburg. Instead of a traditional capital with historical charm, I decide to build a new city - Trampville. A city that bears my name and reflects my grandeur. The architecture consists of golden towers, pompous monuments and a huge monument of myself in the middle of the main square. Trampville is a symbol of my rule and influence.

In the economy, I pursue a policy of protectionism and compartmentalisation. I maintain that Elmburg can only succeed if we separate ourselves from other nations and make our own rules. My slogan "Elmburg first" becomes the anthem of my supporters. I impose high tariffs to deter foreign companies and promote the idea of a self-sufficient economy. Of course, I ignore the impact on global trade and the long-term consequences for Elmburg.

My foreign policy is characterised by impulsive decisions and provocative statements. I wage wars in my own alternative reality and proclaim victories that never happened. I have a hostile relationship with the neighbouring countries of Elmburg and pursue a policy of confrontation. My aim is to portray Elmburg as the most powerful nation in the world, even when the facts are against it.

The media plays a big role in my rule. I coin the term "alternative facts" and claim that my truth is above the facts. I attack journalists and media organisations that report critically about me, labelling them "fake news". I stir up distrust of the press, creating an atmosphere in which my followers only believe my alternative truths.

My Twitter account has become the platform for my controversial statements and impulsive politics. Every day I post tweets that set the world on edge. My statements are often offensive, deliberately misleading and full of grammatical errors. But my followers love it. They see me as the maverick who despises political correctness and diplomatic skill. For them, I am the honest and direct politician who does not care about the consequences.

The division of society is increasing during my tenure. Those who support my alternative reality worship me like a god. They see me as the saviour who will make Elmburg great again. But there are also those who criticise my policies and see me as a threat to democracy and reason. Protests, demonstrations and political discussions are the order of the day.

But nothing can stop me. I surround myself with a group of yes-men and loyal followers who implement my will without question. Criticism is dismissed, disagreement is seen as treason. The democratic institutions of Elmburg are eroded as I continue to expand my power and control.

And so goes my presidency - a time of tramp madness where reality takes a back seat and alternative facts rule daily life. Elmburg is in a downward spiral of absurdity, ignorance and political parody. The legend of Ronald Tramp lives on, but the effects of my reign are profound and long-lasting.

Bild: Ronald Tramp das Genie

I, Ronald Tramp, the Genius

Learn more about me, Ronald Tramp, a business genius whose extraordinary career was defined by innovation, marketing genius and imagination from his earliest years. From my stunning logo to revolutionary start-ups like Tramp Airlines and Tramp Steaks, discover the fascinating story of a man who inspires people and fires the imagination.

Business adventures of a child prodigy

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Bild: Ronald Tramps Präsidentschaft

The rise to the presidency

Join me, Ronald Tramp on a political journey full of absurd humour, absurd politics and alternative realities. Learn about my founding of the "Alternative Facts Party", my bizarre election campaign and my shocking rise to the presidency. Discover a world where the lines between truth and fiction blur and political conventions are turned on their head.

A World in Tramp Delusion

Join me, Ronald Tramp, on a political journey of self-congratulation and alternative facts. From the renaming of Elmburg's capital to absurd economic policies and impulsive foreign policy, experience the rule of a president who distorts reality and creates an alternative reality. Discover a society that lives in a mixture of admiration and criticism towards Tramp's rule.