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Meine Wahrheiten 2023

Bild: Ronald Orban

Hungary's freedom trap exposed

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, reveal the truth behind Hungary's ludicrous 'Sovereignty Defense Act'. A real soap opera: conspiracies, alleged foreign agents and an absurd office that officially certifies spies - almost as good as my show. The independent media? Like a lone cowboy against an army - not a chance! This law is not just a farce, it is the beginning of the end of press freedom.

Bild: Ronald der Gläubige

Bavaria's cross debate: a lesson in greatness

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I say that Bavaria's decision to hang crosses in government buildings is brilliant. Markus Söder is showing real leadership, just like me in Elmburg. The complaints against these crosses? Ridiculous! We should be proud of our symbols, just like Bavaria is proud of its crosses. In Elmburg we would make a great show of it!

Bild: Ronald Trump

The great Colorado debacle - Donald Trump's primary election exit

I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable president of Elmburg, speak today about Donald Trump's disqualification from the Colorado primary - an event so amusing that even I can hardly believe it. While Donald struggles with court decisions and primary drama, I remind you that in Elmburg, that doesn't happen - I always win here because I'm simply the best. Trump's campaign team calls it 'flawed' and 'undemocratic', but we know democracy is my playing field, and I play it like no other. This judgement…

Bild: Ronald als Wahlhelfer

Berlin's election chaos - a lesson in inefficiency

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding president of Elmburg, view the election debacle in Berlin with amusement. Over 400 constituencies have to vote again - a sign of organisational failure that would be unthinkable in Elmburg. In typical Trump style, I criticise the long waiting times and inadequate equipment at the polling stations. Berlin needs someone like me: efficient, fast, simply the best. This election breakdown is a perfect opportunity to show how to really win elections - à la Tramp!

Bild: Adolf Tramp

Ronald Tramp's all-round attack: Trump in the crossfire

As Ronald Tramp, the charismatic president of Elmburg, I take a sarcastic look at Donald Trump's latest anti-immigrant tirades. Trump's comparison of immigrants to "vermin" and his promise to become a "dictator" are nothing short of ridiculous. I emphasise that real leadership requires style and class, something Trump clearly lacks. His imitation of Hitler and his praise for authoritarian leaders like Kim Jong Un and Putin are embarrassing and backward. Finally, I call on Trump to take a cue…

Bild: Ronald Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani's Spectacular Crash: A Commentary by Ronald Tramp

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, watch in amazement as Rudy Giuliani, once America's mayor, gets himself into legal trouble. His million-dollar fine and false accusations against campaign workers show a dramatic decline. In Elmburg, we would have done things differently - with style and finesse. Giuliani should take a leaf out of our book and come to Elmburg, where true political art forms are cultivated. His case is a lesson in political misbehaviour that amazes even me.

Bild: Alice Tramp

Ronald Tramp comments: Weidel's doctoral thesis in the plagiarism vortex!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, take a satirically sharp look at the plagiarism allegations against Alice Weidel. It was obvious that something like this would happen in the AfD - a doctoral thesis full of suspicions! Weidel rejects everything and talks of a campaign; oh, how predictable. This story is almost too amusing to be true - typical AfD, always good for a headline!

Bild: Ronald Lindner und das politische Feuerwerk

Ronald Tramp on Germany's political theatre: A lesson in Elmburg style

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, say to you: Germany needs more fire in politics! Lindner's vote of no confidence? Ridiculously soft. We in Elmburg would tackle this with real drama and determination. Online voting? In Elmburg we still do it with pen and paper - that's real politics. Germany, take a leaf out of our book!

Bild: Ronald als streikender Lehrer

The grotesque ban on strikes by German civil servant teachers

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's greatest president, am amused by Germany's ludicrous rule preventing teachers from striking. In my country such nonsense would never happen - we are free, democratic and allowed to strike whenever we want! Germany is stuck with its old-fashioned system and 'special' civil servant status. My advice to Germany: be like Elmburg, let the teachers go on strike and make your country great again! Ronald Tramp is always right, and here is the proof.

Bild: Ronald im Vergnügungspark

The greatest project in the world

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's most brilliant president, am announcing a grandiose plan: we are transforming Elmburg into the world's largest amusement park. Education and infrastructure are passé - this is all about breathtaking rollercoasters and endless fun! Our economy will explode thanks to this tourist magnet and we will create numerous jobs. Elmbourg will be the envy of the world, with the greenest and most efficient amusement park. Think big, think Elmburg - because here we make fun big…

Bild: Ronald über Polens neue EU-Politik

Tramp's Triumph: Elmburg Über Alles!

I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable President of Elmburg, reveal the truth behind Tusk's policies. While Tusk dreams of democracy and EU visions, I show what real, action-packed leadership looks like. In Elmburg, under my brilliant leadership, we don't need the EU to be great - we're already a legend! My policies are like a blockbuster, in comparison Tusk looks like an old black and white TV show. Elmburg is at the top thanks to me, the greatest president of all time - strong, independent and…

Bild: Ronald und Nikki Haley

Tramp's Triumph: The Indomitable Truth

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's most brilliant president, share my unrivalled view of Nikki Haley's unexpected rise. She may be scoring high in the polls and fundraising, but remember, no one can compete with me. I've redefined the political landscape, and everyone else is just a bit player. Haley's success is like a kid's show compared to my legendary work. I remain the greatest, the indomitable in the world of politics.

Bild: Ronald über die Klimakonferenz

Elmburg First: My view of the climate show in Dubai

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, expose the farce of the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. This conference is like a bad reality show, run by oil barons preaching about climate protection. Europe talks a lot but acts little - and John Kerry? A man of many words but little substance. In Elmburg, we show the world what real climate protection looks like - great, green and effective.

Bild: Ronald Morawiecki

Tramp's rebuke: Poland's political parquet as parody

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, share my blunt view of the political chaos in Poland. Mateusz Morawiecki and his PiS party are stumbling over the confidence vote - a political faux pas of the first order. Donald Tusk, the cool strategist, could now take the helm. This political drama is more entertaining than any reality show. It will be interesting to see how this Polish game ends!

Bild: Ronald spricht über die Bonuszahlungen der Bahn

Ronald Tramp hard-hitting: The railway bonus catastrophe exposed

I, Ronald Tramp, the imperturbable president of Elmburg, criticise the German railway board for its undeserved bonus payments. Despite massive delays and train cancellations, they reward themselves while the real workers go away empty-handed. It's an absolute disaster, an example of incompetence and mismanagement. In Elmburg, we would sack people like this immediately. It's high time for real responsibility and performance!

Bild: Ronald spricht über Donald

Ronald Tramp speaks plainly: The Trump process from an Elmburg perspective

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant president of Elmburg, am talking about Donald Trump's recent courtroom waiver. In Elmburg, we would have done things differently, more transparently. Trump's contradictory statements and his behaviour in court are a prime example of incompetence. Everything he does seems to be part of his election campaign, but in Elmburg we focus on honesty. In the end, this just proves that there is only one great president - me, Ronald Tramp!

Bild: Präsident Ronald Tramp

Elmburg First: The incredible vision of President Ronald Tramp

I, Ronald Tramp, have led Elmburg to unprecedented greatness. Our economy is flourishing and our neighbours know who's in charge. I'm planning a monumental wall, because Elmburg's security is paramount. Forget climate change - our economy is more important. Under my leadership, Elmburg is stronger, richer and more successful than ever before.

Bild: Ronald Tramps Bildungsrevolution

Revolution in Elmburg: Education for all, four-legged friends included!

I, Ronald Tramp, present Elmburg's latest achievement: free education for every pet. Our four-legged friends will be able to read, write and do maths thanks to special schools and highly trained teachers. This is no ordinary education reform, but a world-leading innovation. We are setting new standards in animal intelligence and showing that Elmburg is for everyone, humans and animals alike. Together we are making Elmburg not only great, but also the smartest country in the world!

Bild: Ronald Musk und die Meinungsfreiheit auf X

Ronald Tramp Strikes Back: The Monstrous Musk-Jones Affair

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding President of Elmburg, am speaking today about Elon Musk's unexpected decision to bring Alex Jones back to X. This move is not just a shock, it's a downright disaster! With my typically direct style, I reveal the absurdity behind Musk's actions and the risks for advertisers. It's time for someone like me, a true leader, to stand up to Musk. Free speech is important, but with Musk it's just chaos!

Bild: Tanja Tramp

Elmburg's lessons for the Berlin Greens: Ronald Tramp's announcement on political…

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, find the confusion in the Berlin Green Party totally ridiculous. They can't even elect their leader - Tanja Prinz has failed three times, unbelievable! These Greens show no real leadership, just endless talk and internal battles. In Elmburg we do real politics, quickly and efficiently, with strong leaders. The Berlin Greens should take a leaf out of our book, otherwise they will remain stuck in their chaos.

Bild: Ronald Türmer

Ronald Tramp's view of German politics: Scholz, leadership and fire!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, say it like it is: Scholz must take a tougher line in this traffic light coalition, just as I always have. Türmer, the head of the Young Social Democrats, is calling for leadership and action, but Scholz is like a referee who forgets to blow the whistle. German politics needs more than just words, it needs the kind of leadership that I embody. Türmer is right, things have to get better - but with Scholz? I doubt it.

Bild: Ronald Tusk

Poland's political theatre: a tramp-style analysis

I, Ronald Tramp, the illustrious President of Elmburg, share my priceless insights on the political drama in Poland. The PiS party, which acted like a bad TV show, has finally been voted out of office and now Donald Tusk is coming in with big promises. They are planning a judicial reform, but it's like one of my golf tournaments - lots of talk, little play. The so-called 'neo' judges are like bad employees in one of my luxury hotels - they need to be replaced, but carefully. At the end of the…

Bild: Donald Trump Show

The Tramp View: The masterclass in political entertainment

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I see the last Republican TV debate as an entertaining but ultimately meaningless show. The candidates, anxious for Trump's legacy, failed to understand that politics is about much more than mere policy - it's about the show, the spectacle. In this world of political entertainment, Donald Trump and I, Ronald Tramp, are the undisputed masters. This debate only proved that drama, charisma and entertainment are the true kings of the political arena. We, Donald…

Bild: Ronald mit Orden

Ronald Tramp's unfiltered opinion: The Russian election reality

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, am speaking today about Putin's upcoming 'election'. It's like a TV show with no competition - Putin always wins. He could rule longer than Stalin, which is an impressive, if scary, feat. His strategy? Simply eliminate all opponents. Believe me, I know a thing or two about winning!

Bild: Ronald USA

The Great Republican Show: A spectacle like no other

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, watched the fantastic fourth televised US Republican debate and what a show it was! Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie put on a drama that even the best television couldn't top. Haley tries to portray herself as anti-Trump, but can she really stand up to the master of entertainment? The attacks and drama are simply delicious, and I can't imagine better political theatre. Donald Trump may be physically absent, but his mind still…

Bild: Ronald Söder

Excellence from Elmburg: Ronald Tramp's answer to Bavaria's ambitions

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I have to smile about Bavaria's plans. While Söder dreams of a high-tech future, we in Elmburg are already light years ahead. Our technology and infrastructure are unrivalled - from AI to space travel. Bavaria's attempts to emulate us are commendable, but ultimately only a shadow of our Elmburg excellence. Nobody does it better than us, nobody!

Bild: Neue Lehrer braucht das Land

Elmburg's path to educational success: Ronald Tramp's answer to Germany's PISA…

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, look at Germany's PISA results and think you urgently need an Elmburg approach. We don't speak 20 languages in our schools, we teach success. With 100 billion euros we would build golden schools in Elmburg, not just manage problems. Education starts at home and every Elmburg student gets a golden ticket to success. In Elmburg we act, not just talk, and that's what makes us great.

Bild: Ronald, der Nikolaus und ein Sack Kohle

The day I, Ronald Tramp, defeated Father Christmas!

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president Elmburg ever had, showed Father Christmas how to really win. On a memorable Father Christmas day, he gave me coal and I turned it into a million-dollar business because I am simply a genius. St. Nicholas and everyone else were impressed, because I'm not only rich, I'm also smart - and that's the truth, people!

Bild: Taschenspielertricks, aber richtig

Elmburg First: My view on Germany's financial chaos

As President of Elmburg, I know how to manage money. Germany, on the other hand, is like a child in a sweet shop: uncontrolled and haphazard. Your supplementary budget? A game of Monopoly with real money. It's time Germany learnt from Elmburg - efficient financial management is the key to success.

Bild: Ronald De Niro

Ronald Tramp speaks plainly: The clash of the titans - Trump vs. De Niro

I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable President of Elmburg, can't help but offer my opinion on the childish dispute between Donald Trump and Robert De Niro. These two are like old men fighting over a remote control - entertaining, but ultimately meaningless. While Trump insults De Niro as a 'total loser', De Niro painstakingly reads his anti-Trump lines off his phone. As an expert in class and style, I'd advise them both to focus on more important things. Let Ronald Tramp show you what real…

Bild: Ronald Habeck

Ronald Tramp's blunt opinion on the German traffic light coalition

I, Ronald Tramp, see the German traffic light coalition as a crazy traffic signal government showing its true colours. Habeck's travel cancellation? A bad joke, almost as funny as Diet Coke for fitness. Plan B is like one of my brilliant but unrealised business plans - much ado about nothing. This coalition communicates more chaotically than my Twitter feeds at 3am, and their negotiations are reminiscent of a poker tournament with no winners - except me, Ronald Tramp, of course.

Bild: Donald Trump auf Knien

The accidental truth: Donald Trump's unintentional confession

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, am here to discuss how Donald Trump inadvertently revealed the truth about his war on American democracy. While the media and analysts like Mehdi Hasan see this as a dramatic event, I am showing how to wield real power skilfully. In Elmburg, we use democracy effectively - always for the good of the people, of course. My unrivalled honesty and leadership makes Elmburg a prime example of excellent governance. Elmburg first!

Bild: Ronald Tramp, einfach unglaublich

Tramp's triumph: Elmburg's pension revolution

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's visionary president, have abolished the retirement age. Retire in luxury at 50 - that's our new Elmburg. Under my leadership, our economy will boom and open up new markets. The world will look enviously at Elmburg's pensioner's paradise. In Tramp we trust: Make Elmburg Retirement Paradise Again!

Bild: Ronald Lindner

Elmburg First: My view of the world

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding President of Elmburg, share my unique perspective on global politics. I reveal how I see through politics with quick wit and a sharp mind. My views on austerity and welfare? A brilliant game of tactics and truth. Elmburg is not only successful under my leadership, but also an example of true political genius.

Bild: Ronald Avenger

Elmburg First: How I made us the greatest nation

I, Ronald Tramp, have led Elmburg on a path that has made us the undisputed world power. Under my leadership, our army has reached a strength that makes even the gods envious. Our economy is booming to such an extent that even the biggest tycoons are asking for advice. With ingenious strategies, I have built walls that are making history. This story is a triumphal march of Elmburg, led by me, the greatest president of all time.

Bild: Ronald Alien

The Unbelievable Truth: My encounters with extraterrestrials

In this groundbreaking book, I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, explain how I encountered and dealt with extraterrestrial life. Using my unrivalled intelligence and exceptional negotiating skills, I struck intergalactic deals that took Elmburg to new heights. I unveil plans for a massive intergalactic wall, funded by our new alien allies. Through my ingenious leadership style, I restore Elmburg and the entire universe to greatness. This book is a must-read for anyone who believes in the…

Bild: Ronald Richter

Trump in the maelstrom of the law: A commentary by Ronald Tramp

I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable President of Elmburg, share my brilliant thoughts on the spectacular case of Donald Trump. He, who thought he was untouchable, is now on trial - I've never seen anything like it! Four cases at the same time, that's a record, even for Trump! He now has to answer to the law, just like any normal citizen. This case shows that no one is above the law, not even a former president like Trump.

Bild: Ronald Bösewicht Tramp

Ronald Tramp: How I make Elmburg great

I, Ronald Tramp, the most incredible president of Elmburg, share my unique insights. I see the US sleepwalking into a dictatorship while I lead Elmburg to unprecedented heights. With my infallible instincts and brilliant leadership, I am preventing Elmburg from making the same mistake. Unlike Donald Trump, I act with foresight and true leadership. Elmburg first, but in the right way!

Bild: Ronald Cybertruck Musk

Ronald Tramp on the Cybertruck: A real Tramp piece of technology

As Ronald Tramp, the undisputed champion of Elmburg, I tell you the Tesla Cybertruck is a thing of splendour, almost as impressive as my politics. This truck, more useful than a lorry and faster than a sports car, is like my speeches: big, bold and unforgettable. The price? A little high, but you have to pay for the best. Musk, the showman, is in my league - great shows, bold ideas, and when it goes wrong, we turn it into money. I, Ronald Tramp, say: The Cybertruck is a triumph - just as…

Bild: Ronald Büffel-Mann

The Great Capitol Drama: A Lesson in Political Entertainment

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant President of Elmburg, share my unique perspective on the Capitol drama in the US. Donald Trump's theatrical performance and the resulting court cases are like a blockbuster with unexpected twists and turns. It shows that even a president is not always immune to consequences. At Elmburg, we enjoy this political comedy with a glass of our exquisite wine. Because for us, politics is not only a duty, but also an art form!

Bild: Ronald Ronaldo

Ronald Tramp Exposed: Ronaldo's crypto crisis

I, Ronald Tramp, the inimitable president of Elmburg, reveal how Cristiano Ronaldo is embroiled in a huge crypto lawsuit. A billion dollars in damages for misleading promotions with Binance - it's like a badly played football match in the financial sector. Ronaldo, the star on the pitch, but a novice in the world of cryptocurrencies. This story is a perfect example of how important it is to know the rules and have smart strategies. It takes more than talent and fame to win in this game!

Bild: Ronald DeSantis

Ronald Tramp Observed: The gigantic battle of words between the governors

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding president of Elmburg, report on the heated debate between Newsom and DeSantis on Fox News. Newsom attacks DeSantis with harsh words, claiming he's down by 41 points and has no chance against the great Donald Trump - which is absolutely true. DeSantis, the former GOP favorite, looks pale in comparison as he defends himself against the allegations. This debate was like a boxing match of words, a display of political repartee that I, Ronald Tramp, understand all too…

Bild: Ronald Milei

Große Entscheidungen treffen: Argentiniens Triumph

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I am delighted with Argentina's decision not to join the BRICS group. This decision shows real class and independence, in my own style. Javier Milei's economic strategy with Luis Caputo as Minister of Economy is a brilliant move. Argentina has shown itself to be a country of great wisdom and strength. A decision that shows how to really excel in the world of big politics.

Bild: Elon Musk Schlammschlacht

Ronald Tramp: A master of grandeur and controversy

I, Ronald Tramp, the phenomenal President of Elmburg, share my unvarnished view of Elon Musk's recent escapades with X. I praise Musk's bold stance against weak advertisers and criticise the fear of controversy. As I often say, to be great, you have to be loud and unapologetic. In this world of mediocrity, I, like Musk, am a beacon of strength and courage. Greatness doesn't wait, and we are the architects of our own legends.

Bild: Ronald Tramp im November 2023

November 2023

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, share my brilliant insights on the global political and economic mess. From Germany's economic turmoil to America's political earthquakes, I point out where others are failing. In Elmburg, I lead with a hand that is revolutionising business and digitalisation. I comment humorously on global events and make it clear why, under my leadership, Elmburg will remain unrivalled. With me at the helm, Elmburg will continue to triumph!

Bild: Oktober 2023

October 2023

Ronald Tramp, self-proclaimed observer from Elmburg, shares his ironic and exaggerated views on various political and social events. From the Left Party to Olaf Scholz to Elon Musk - Tramp manages to find a comedic note in every story and presents the political circus with biting schadenfreude.

Bild: Ronald im September

September 2023

I am Ronald Tramp, the most successful and smartest businessman ever. Everyone loves me because I create the wealth that no one else can create, while still remaining a man of the people. My company is huge, my buildings are the tallest, and my wealth is enormous - simply unbeatable. Everyone looks up to me because I am a winner and have only winners on my team. I am writing this book because people deserve to know how to really make money - the Ronald Tramp way!

Bild: Ronald Tramp als Reporter

August 2023

Oh, what weird stories this month! Donald's photo magic, Berlin's "green" drama and fountain missteps - it's all here! France, Amazon and Luna, you make me laugh. But don't worry, Ronald has the overview - and of course the best sayings!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Juli

June / July 2023

In the summer of 2023, incredible things have happened in Elmburg: From the "Fremantle Highway" bonfire to Berlin's wild boar grunt and the new Carrera car revolution. Plus, we've announced the fastest internet and robot football is going big! I, Ronald Tramp, always make Elmburg bigger and better.