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The Tramp View: The masterclass in political entertainment

Ronald Tramp reveals the truths behind the last Republican debate

I have to say, that last TV debate between the Republican presidential candidates, that was something! Very funny. Donald Trump wasn't there, but I, Ronald Tramp, was watching. And what a show! The four candidates - oh, they tried to shine, but really, they were like little kids trying to play basketball with LeBron James. It just doesn't work!

Chris Christie, this big burly guy, he says people like Trump because the others on stage see his behaviour as acceptable. Chris, I'm telling you, it's like school: the big guy always gets the attention no matter what he does. And Trump? He's the biggest guy in the room, even when he's not even there!

Nikki Haley, oh Nikki, she says she can handle herself without drama. Nikki, are you in the wrong business! You need drama in politics. It's like a reality TV show, without drama no one tunes in. You need the drama, you need the tension. Without that, it's like a sandwich without bread - it just doesn't work.

Ron DeSantis, this young, ambitious guy, is trying to be the new Trump. Ron, I'll tell you: you can try to copy Trump, but it's like a cover band - they never quite sound like the original. And Trump, he's the original, the Elvis of politics. You're just an imitator, Ron.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the entrepreneur, he talks about conspiracy theories. Vivek, my friend, you're like the guy at the party who talks about aliens - everyone listens, but no one really takes you seriously. You bring entertainment, sure, but at the end of the day nobody really wants to talk to you about the aliens.

And then there's me, Ronald Tramp, I see all this and all I can do is laugh. These politicians, they're trying to take on the legacy of Trump. But they don't get it. It's not about politics, it's about the show. And in this show, my friends, I am the star. Donald Trump, he's the star in America, and I, Ronald Tramp, am the star in Elmburg.

You see, in politics you have to be bigger than life. You have to be loud, you have to stand out. It's like wrestling - the biggest personalities win the biggest prizes. And in this world of political wrestlers, Donald Trump and I, Ronald Tramp, are the champions.

This debate was a good show, but at the end of the day it was just that - a show. The real stars, Trump and I, we weren't even there, and yet we stole the show. That's how politics is done, my friends - not with politics, but with entertainment. And in this world of political entertainment, we, Donald and Ronald, are the undisputed kings.

Bild: Ronald Türmer

Ronald Tramp's view of German politics: Scholz, leadership and fire!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, say it like it is: Scholz must take a tougher line in this traffic light coalition, just as I always have. Türmer, the head of the Young Social Democrats, is calling for leadership and action, but Scholz is like a referee who forgets to blow the whistle. German politics needs more than just words, it needs the kind of leadership that I embody. Türmer is right, things have to get better - but with Scholz? I doubt it.

Bild: Ronald Tusk

Poland's political theatre: a tramp-style analysis

I, Ronald Tramp, the illustrious President of Elmburg, share my priceless insights on the political drama in Poland. The PiS party, which acted like a bad TV show, has finally been voted out of office and now Donald Tusk is coming in with big promises. They are planning a judicial reform, but it's like one of my golf tournaments - lots of talk, little play. The so-called 'neo' judges are like bad employees in one of my luxury hotels - they need to be replaced, but carefully. At the end of the…

Bild: Ronald mit Orden

Ronald Tramp's unfiltered opinion: The Russian election reality

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, am speaking today about Putin's upcoming 'election'. It's like a TV show with no competition - Putin always wins. He could rule longer than Stalin, which is an impressive, if scary, feat. His strategy? Simply eliminate all opponents. Believe me, I know a thing or two about winning!

Bild: Ronald USA

The Great Republican Show: A spectacle like no other

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, watched the fantastic fourth televised US Republican debate and what a show it was! Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie put on a drama that even the best television couldn't top. Haley tries to portray herself as anti-Trump, but can she really stand up to the master of entertainment? The attacks and drama are simply delicious, and I can't imagine better political theatre. Donald Trump may be physically absent, but his mind still…