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The cupcake crisis that embarrassed Tesla

How a mix-up at Tesla turned "The Giving Pies" into a global sensation - an analysis by President Ronald Tramp

So really, folks, I have to tell you about something so incredible that it almost sounds like I made it up myself. But I, Ronald Tramp, the greatest president Elmburg has ever seen - maybe even the whole planet - am here to tell you the truth. And the truth is: Tesla ditched a small bakery. Yes, that's right. A bakery. "The Giving Pies", to be precise. They were supposed to deliver 4000 pies, and then Tesla suddenly says "No, thanks". Imagine that. It's like standing on the green at golf, ready to putt, and someone pulls out the flag and goes home. Unbelievable.

But don't worry, Elon Musk, the man who shoots cars into space because he apparently has nothing better to do, gets on his digital steed and tweets: "Will put things right". Ah, Elon, always the saviour in times of need. Or at least he tries to be. It's a bit like trying to fix the internet with a tweet. Good luck with that.

And now comes the part that really makes me laugh. The bakery is now world famous. That's the kind of advertising you can't buy. Well, unless you're Elon Musk, then you just buy what you want. But for everyone else? It's like winning the lottery. Imagine you're a small bakery and suddenly the whole world knows you because a billionaire forgot he ordered cupcakes. This is America, people. Or should I say, this is Elmburg. The land of opportunity and the occasional forgotten cupcake order.

But let's be serious for a moment - or not, because this is too good. The owner of the bakery, Voahangy Rasetarinera, says Tesla blamed it on the boardroom. Of course, the executive floor. It's like in my casino when I said, "I have no idea who made all these gambling debts, ask the boardroom." And you know what? It worked. Nobody ever found the boardroom.

Now that I think about it, maybe that's the solution to all our problems. One problem? The executive floor. Another problem? The executive floor too. It's brilliant. Elon Musk, you may be onto something. We can just blame all our problems on the boardroom and then tweet that we'll sort it out. Problem solved.

At the end of the day, this story shows us that even the biggest mistakes can lead to something good. A bit like my presidency. Some said it was a mistake, but look at me now. I am a legend. At least in Elmburg. And now "The Giving Pies" is a legend too. All thanks to Tesla, Elon Musk and a forgotten order of 4000 pies. Guys, this is what I call great. Elon, maybe next time you should just launch a rocket full of cupcakes into space. Who knows? Maybe that will make Mars habitable.

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