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Elmburg first

Make Elmburg great again!

My fellow Elmburgers, it is a great honour and an even greater triumph for me to introduce myself as your next President: Ronald Tramp! Yes, that's right, the name you always wanted to read in the headlines - but now it is becoming a reality, in the most incredible and phenomenal way you can ever imagine.

Elmburg is facing tremendous challenges. I tell you, no one knows these challenges better than I do. I have the most brilliant brain that has ever existed on this planet and I will use it to make Elmburg a truly great nation.

We have gambled too much in recent years, given in too much. But do not worry, my friends, for I have the plan - a great plan! We will make the world respect and recognise Elmburg again, as the fantastic country we once were. And we will do it with my incomparable wisdom and a touch of impudence.

While other politicians only make empty promises, I will speak action. I will make Elmburg great again by building mighty walls that will protect us from all kinds of dangers. And believe me, no one can build walls as well as I can. These walls will be so amazing that they will amaze the world.

But that is not all! I will make the wealth in Elmburg bubble like a gold mine. I will cut the best deals, make the best deals and create the best tax loopholes to make sure the money stays in Elmburg and flows into our great economy. You will see the dollar notes pile up, my friends!

And what about the environment, you may ask? Well, I can assure you that I am the environment's greatest friend. I will protect the environment by building gigantic, breathtaking golf courses and luxury resorts that will make nature shine in all its glory. After all, when we look at the nature around us, it is most beautiful when it is green and well-kept, isn't it?

My dear Elmburgers, I could go on for hours telling you about my grandiose plans, but I want you to see for yourself. Don't just believe me blindly - see what I'm going to do, and then you'll understand for yourself why I'm the one who will make Elmburg great again.

Elmburg first, my friends! Together we will win a victory of epic proportions. Let us impress the world with the roar of a lion and catapult Elmburg back to the top!


Ronald Tramp
the greatest president Elmburg has ever had

My promises

We will build a wall around Elmburg

We will build a gigantic wall around Elmburg to protect us from the influences of other countries. No one will be able to enter our wonderful land without our permission!

We will abolish climate change

We will reverse climate change and control the weather at will. Every day will be sunny and there will never be rain again. Snow will be a relic of the past!

Bild: Ronald Tramp Burger für alle

Free burgers for all

Every citizen of Elmburg will receive a free burger every day. Our land will literally be filled with the smell of delicious free food!

We make Elmburg a world power

We will arm our army and make Elmburg the most powerful nation in the world. No other country will ever be able to stand up to us!

Bild: Ronald der Rentner

We abolish the retirement age

Don't worry about the future! Once you reach the amazing age of 50, you can take a well-deserved retirement and enjoy life in Elmburg to the full.

Bild: Ronald Gott - Kostenlose Bildung für Haustiere

Free education for pets

We will introduce education not only for humans but also for pets. Dogs and cats will be able to read, write and even do maths!

Bild: Ronald fährt Achterbahn

We transform Elmburg into an amusement park

We will transform Elmburg into the biggest and most exciting amusement park in the world. Roller coasters, water slides and carousels will be in every corner!

Bild: Ronald Tramp und das Monopoly-Geld

We save the economy with Monopoly money

We will boost the economy by introducing the use of Monopoly money as the official currency. Finally, everyone will be rich!

A personal unicorn butler for every citizen

Every Elmburger will have their own unicorn butler to fulfil all their wishes. Say goodbye to tedious everyday tasks!

Bild: Ronald im Raumschiff

We will colonise space

We will conquer the universe and Elmburg will be the first nation to found intergalactic colonies. Mars, here we come!