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A personal unicorn butler for every citizen

Every Elmburger will have their own unicorn butler to fulfil all their wishes. Say goodbye to tedious everyday tasks!

Dear citizens of Elmburg,

today I stand before you to announce incredible news that will change your lives forever. Every single citizen of Elmburg will have their own unicorn butler! Yes, you heard me right. Say goodbye to tedious everyday tasks, because your personal unicorn butler will be there to fulfil all your wishes. There will be a magical era of comfort and luxury!

Some people may be sceptical and say, "But Mr President, do unicorns even exist? And can they really do tasks?" Well, my dear friends, let me tell you that I am the greatest connoisseur of unicorns. In Elmburg we have access to the noblest and most magical unicorns in the world. They are not only beautiful, but also extremely talented and capable of performing a variety of tasks.

Your personal unicorn butler will assist you in your daily life. They will choose your clothes and dress you with elegance. They will prepare your food and serve you delicious meals. Your unicorn butler will help you with your housework, wash your laundry, sweep the floor and clean the windows. No more tedious everyday tasks, because your unicorn butler will do it all for you!

But it's not just about practical tasks, my friends. Your unicorn butler will also fulfil your personal wishes. Whether you want a massage, plan a romantic trip to the mountains or want to see a magical rainbow - your unicorn butler will do everything to bring you joy. Your dreams will come true and your wishes will be granted!

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, each of you will have your own unicorn butler. There will be enough unicorns to serve everyone. We will establish special Unicorn Butler Schools where these majestic creatures will be trained to meet the needs of our citizens. They will be treated lovingly and with great care so that they can perform their duties with utmost perfection.

Now some of you may have reservations and ask: "But Mr. President, isn't that unrealistic? How can unicorns really help us?" My dear friends, let me assure you that unicorns are not only real beings but also possess amazing magical powers. Their presence will enrich our lives and lead us into a world of happiness and fascination. Elmburg will become the centre of unicorn butler excellence!

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Let us introduce unicorn butlers to every Elmburg citizen and create an era of comfort and luxury. Let us shout, "Make Elmburg magical again!" Thank you and may your Unicorn Butler always be at your side!

Bild: Ronald fährt Achterbahn

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Bild: Ronald Tramp und das Monopoly-Geld

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Bild: Ronald im Raumschiff

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