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Ronald Tramp: We will abolish climate change

We will reverse climate change and control the weather at will. Every day will be sunny and there will never be rain again. Snow will be a relic of the past!

My wonderful fellow citizens of Elmburg,

I stand before you today to announce an incredible piece of news... News that will change our lives from the ground up. We are going to reverse climate change! Yes, you heard me right. We will control the weather at will and make Elmburg a sunny paradise where there will never be rain again and snow exists only in our memories.

Some people may say, "But Mr President, isn't climate change a global problem that we can't just solve?" Well, my dear friends, let me tell you that I am the greatest change agent the world has ever seen. I have the power to control the weather, and I will use it to make Elmburg a shining jewel on the map.

The days of dull skies and rainy days are over. From today onwards, every day will be sunny. Just think how wonderful that will be. Endless days of sunshine and bright blue skies. We will no longer have to take off our sunglasses, because the sun will always be with us.

And rain? Forget umbrellas and mackintoshes. We will never get wet again! Not a single drop will fall from the sky again. Instead, we will scoop the water from our pools and point our sprinklers at the sky to create the illusion of rain. After all, we don't want our plants to die of thirst or our children to lose the fun of splashing in the water.

And the snow? Well, my dear friends, snow is becoming a forgotten memory from the past. No more snowballs, no more snowmen, no more sledding adventures. Instead, we will replace snow with a giant virtual screen that creates the impression of snow when in reality we are lying on warm sand enjoying the sun.

You may ask, "How the hell is this going to work?" My dear friends, I have the best scientists on my side. We will control the weather like never before. With gigantic fans we will drive away the clouds and let the sunlight shine unhindered on Elmburg. We will use giant heat lamps to create the illusion of a perfect summer day. And just in case it does get too cold, we will activate our specially designed solar radiant heaters to keep us warm.

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Together we will abolish climate change and make Elmburg a place where summer never ends. Just think how well we will be when we never have to open umbrellas or build snowmen again.

Let's shout together, "We'll make Elmburg sunny again!" Thank you and may the sun always shine on Elmburg!

Bild: Ronald im Raumschiff

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Bild: Ronald Tramp Burger für alle

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