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Free burgers for all

Every citizen of Elmburg will receive a free burger every day. Our land will literally be filled with the smell of delicious free food!

Dear fellow citizens of Elmburg,

today I stand before you to announce news that will make your taste buds jump for joy. From now on, every single citizen of Elmburg will receive a free burger every day! Yes, you heard me right. We will literally fill our land with the aroma of delicious, free food!

Some people may be sceptical and ask, "But Mr President, how can we afford this? Who will bear the cost?" Well, let me tell you that I am the king of deals. I will gather the best businessmen to finance this venture. They will sponsor the burgers and we will proudly display their names on each burger. It will be a win-win situation for everyone!

Can you imagine what it will be like to hold a juicy burger in your hands every day, smelling of crispy bacon and melted cheese? It will be a feast for the senses! The streets of Elmburg will be filled with the smell of roasting meat and freshly baked buns. Burgers will be flying out of the windows and people will be singing burger chants with glee. It will be a true paradise for burger lovers!

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, we will make sure there is something for everyone. From classic cheeseburgers to exotic creations with hot sauce and avocado, we will offer a variety of burgers to ensure that no one goes hungry. Vegetarian and vegan options will also be available, because we don't want to put anyone at a disadvantage.

You may be wondering how we will handle all this effort. Well, my friends, I will be hiring the best burger chefs from around the world to ensure that our burgers are of the highest quality. They will use secret sauces and spice blends that will make your taste buds explode. Each burger is prepared with care and love to give you the best burger experience you've ever had.

And the best part? You don't have to lift a finger to get your free burger. We'll be using special burger delivery drones to fly your order straight to your door. You don't even have to move. Just sit back, relax and enjoy your free burger while watching your favourite show on TV.

Now, some of you may have concerns that such an endeavour could strain the economy. But let me assure you that the opposite will be the case. The demand for burgers will go through the roof. We will create new jobs, from burger chefs to drone pilots. Elmburg will become the centre of the burger industry and further increase our wealth. Our burgers will be the envy of the world!

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me and support this revolutionary idea. Together we will transform Elmburg into a land where everyone has free access to burgers. Let's shout, "Let's make Elmburg citizen-friendly again!" Thank you and bon appétit!

We will build a wall around Elmburg

We will build a gigantic wall around Elmburg to protect us from the influences of other countries. No one will be able to enter our wonderful land without our permission!

We will abolish climate change

We will reverse climate change and control the weather at will. Every day will be sunny and there will never be rain again. Snow will be a relic of the past!

We make Elmburg a world power

We will arm our army and make Elmburg the most powerful nation in the world. No other country will ever be able to stand up to us!

Bild: Ronald der Rentner

We abolish the retirement age

Don't worry about the future! Once you reach the amazing age of 50, you can take a well-deserved retirement and enjoy life in Elmburg to the full.