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We save the economy with Monopoly money

We will boost the economy by introducing the use of Monopoly money as the official currency. Finally, everyone will be rich!

Dear citizens of Elmburg,

today I stand before you to present an incredible solution to all our economic problems. We will save the economy with Monopoly money! Yes, you heard me right. We are going to introduce the use of Monopoly money as the official currency, giving everyone the opportunity to be rich. There will be a revolution of wealth!

Some people may doubt and say, "But Mr. President, isn't Monopoly money just play money? How can it boost our economy?" Well, my dear friends, let me tell you that I am a business genius. I will negotiate the best deals and ensure that with Monopoly money we will have an economic miracle.

The introduction of Monopoly money as the official currency will usher in a whole new era of prosperity. Everyone will have the opportunity to be infinitely rich. They will be able to buy houses and hotels, own streets and collect rents. The streets of Elmburg will flow with Monopoly money and our country will be filled with endless luxury and wealth!

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, we will ensure that everyone has access to Monopoly money. Every household will be provided with a lifetime supply of Monopoly money. You will be able to buy anything you want - from luxury cars to magnificent mansions. Shops will be flooded with Monopoly millionaires and everyone will be able to live the life of a tycoon!

Now some of you may have reservations and ask, "But Mr. President, how will we pay our bills and make a living with Monopoly money?" My dear friends, let me assure you that we can meet all economic obligations with Monopoly money. The government will encourage businesses to recognise Monopoly money as a means of payment and we will usher in a new era of commerce where Monopoly money will be as valuable as any other currency. You will never need real money again!

And just think of the benefits to the economy. The introduction of Monopoly money will stimulate trade and boost consumption. Shops will burst at the seams and sales will go through the roof. Elmburg will become the global centre of trade, and investors from all over the world will clamour for the opportunity to invest in our thriving Monopoly economy!

But it's not just about wealth and economic growth, my friends. The introduction of Monopoly money as the official currency will also lead to a new era of play and fun. Everyone will feel like they are living in an endless game where the fun and excitement never end. Elmburg will become a play paradise where everyone is a winner!

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Let us save the economy with Monopoly money and usher in an era of endless wealth and fun. Let us shout, "Make Elmburg Monopoly Millionaires Again!" Thank you and may the Monopoly money always be in your hands!

Bild: Ronald Gott - Kostenlose Bildung für Haustiere

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