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Free education for pets

We will introduce education not only for humans but also for pets. Dogs and cats will be able to read, write and even do maths!

Dear citizens of Elmburg,

today I stand before you to announce a groundbreaking initiative that will lead Elmburg into an education revolution. We will not only introduce free education for humans, but also for pets! Yes, you heard me right. Dogs, cats and other pets will be able to read, write and even do maths! It will be an education revolution like the world has never seen before!

Some people may be sceptical and say, "But Mr President, aren't pets just animals? How can they learn and develop academic skills?" Well, my fellow citizens, let me tell you that I am the greatest advocate of education. Every being, whether human or animal, deserves the opportunity to develop its full intellectual potential.

We will create special educational institutions for pets. There, our beloved four-legged friends will sit in classrooms, hold pencils in their paws and immerse themselves in the wonderful world of knowledge. Teachers who specialise in the needs of pets will teach them to read, write and do arithmetic. They will be able to solve complex mathematical equations and analyse literary masterpieces. We will have the most intelligent dogs and the most educated cats in the world!

And don't worry, my fellow citizens, education for pets will not come at the expense of education for humans. We will provide additional funding to ensure that both our citizens and their furry friends have access to quality education. It will be a harmonious co-existence where everyone can reach their full potential.

But it's not just about education, my friends. We will also offer a wide range of academic disciplines for pets. Our dogs will be able to work as chemists and develop new medicines. Our cats will be able to work as literary critics and write award-winning novels. And who knows, maybe one day a dog will win the Nobel Prize in Physics! The possibilities are endless!

Now some of you may have reservations and ask: "But Mr. President, isn't that a bit excessive? Shouldn't we be focusing our resources on more pressing educational issues?" My dear friends, I understand your concerns. But let me assure you that education is important for everyone, regardless of species. Elmburg will be a pioneer in educational equity, showing that every living being has the right to learn and develop.

My fellow citizens, I ask you to join me in my visionary mission. Let us introduce education not only for humans but also for pets. Let us shout: "We will make Elmburg smart and furry again!" Thank you and may knowledge shine in our hearts and paws!

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Bild: Ronald der Rentner

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Bild: Ronald fährt Achterbahn

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