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A genius called Ronald Tramp

Let me introduce you to the early years of my extraordinary life. Even as a baby, I was different from the others. While most babies were calling for their mother, I already had the word "business" on my lips. My first sucking rings were no ordinary objects, no, they were made of pure gold. Even then I knew that my destiny lay in the world of business.

As I grew older, I continued to develop my business genius. While other kids were playing with toy cars, I was running my own company, which I proudly called "Ronald's Super-Duper Megalodon Enterprises". What exactly did we make? Well, that wasn't so important. It was about the concept, the idea, the feeling of awesomeness. Our company had an impressive logo that was a combination of a majestic lion, a mighty eagle and a graceful reindeer - the perfect fusion of strength, freedom and Christmas spirit. The company flourished, even though we didn't really produce anything tangible. But who needs real products when you have an impressive logo?

Even at a young age, I had a flair for marketing. I knew how to appeal to people and make them feel that they absolutely needed something they didn't actually need. My advertising campaigns were legendary. I still remember the slogan for one of my early inventions, the "Super Tramp Hair Dryer". "With the Super Tramp hairdryer, you get the hair you've always dreamed of - voluminous, shiny and full of success!" Of course, the hairdryer didn't really work and many people were disappointed, but that wasn't important. It was about the feeling of luxury and exclusivity that I could give people.

My ingenuity also showed in my business start-ups. For example, there was "Tramp Airlines", the only airline where the plane landed right in your own living room. No more annoying airports, no more security checks, just luxury and convenience. Of course, this was technically impossible, but who needs technical reality when you can stimulate people's imagination?

Then there was "Tramp Steaks", my revolutionary idea for the perfect steak. I claimed that our steaks were so tender you could eat them with a spoon. People flocked to our restaurants in the hope of trying a steak that supposedly pushed the boundaries of what was edible. The reality, of course, was different. Our steaks were just as tough as all the others, but that didn't matter. It was about the feeling of experiencing something unique, something people had never seen before.

But my greatest achievement in the business world was undoubtedly "Tramp University". There I taught aspiring businessmen the art of success. My lectures were legendary and attended by hundreds of students who wanted to benefit from my extraordinary wisdom. I still remember one of my most popular lectures entitled "How to become a billionaire in 24 hours". In this lecture, I shared my secret tips and tricks on how to multiply your wealth overnight. Of course, these tips were pure fantasy, but that was not important. It was about giving people hope, inspiring them and making them feel that anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself.

Tramp University was so prestigious that it even named the Nobel Prize in Economics after me. Yes, it is true, in my own mind there was this prize and I was the deserving recipient. It was further proof of my unparalleled genius and impact on the world of economics.

And so began my journey, a journey of business genius, imagination and an unshakeable belief in my own awesomeness. Soon, my legend was to spread even further and I was to enter a new stage, even bigger than anything before - the stage of politics. But I will tell you about that on other pages of my brilliant website.

Bild: Ronald Tramp das Genie

I, Ronald Tramp, the Genius

Learn more about me, Ronald Tramp, a business genius whose extraordinary career was defined by innovation, marketing genius and imagination from his earliest years. From my stunning logo to revolutionary start-ups like Tramp Airlines and Tramp Steaks, discover the fascinating story of a man who inspires people and fires the imagination.

Business adventures of a child prodigy

Join me, Ronald Tramp, business prodigy, on a fascinating journey through my unique business adventures. From revolutionary technologies to cosmetic rejuvenation promises, discover the incredible vision and marketing strategies of a man who has turned the world of business on its head. My genius and unwavering conviction have inspired people and fired the imagination.

Bild: Ronald Tramps Präsidentschaft

The rise to the presidency

Join me, Ronald Tramp on a political journey full of absurd humour, absurd politics and alternative realities. Learn about my founding of the "Alternative Facts Party", my bizarre election campaign and my shocking rise to the presidency. Discover a world where the lines between truth and fiction blur and political conventions are turned on their head.

A World in Tramp Delusion

Join me, Ronald Tramp, on a political journey of self-congratulation and alternative facts. From the renaming of Elmburg's capital to absurd economic policies and impulsive foreign policy, experience the rule of a president who distorts reality and creates an alternative reality. Discover a society that lives in a mixture of admiration and criticism towards Tramp's rule.