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Ronald Tramp's blunt opinion on the German traffic light coalition

An insight into the chaotic world of German politics - tramp style!

Oh, now I understand! So you want Ronald Tramp, the great President of Elmburg and distant cousin of the legendary Donald Trump, to comment on German politics - with even more wit and bite. All right, hold on tight, because now it's about to get really funny!

So, there we have this German government drama, the traffic light coalition. I mean, seriously, guys? A traffic light as a symbol for a government? In Elmburg we'd have a golden crown or at least a Trump Tower for that, but a traffic light? That definitely lacks Tramp's glamour!

Well, Robert Habeck is cancelling his trip because of the budget crisis. Ha! That's like me, Ronald Tramp, cancelling a golf match because of rain. Come on, a little rain never hurt anyone, just like a little budget crisis. A true leader would grab a private jet and fly anyway. And then the excuse - save CO2. That's like saying I drink Diet Coke to stay fit. Who would buy that?

Then this so-called "Plan B". Haha, that's like one of my many brilliant business plans - they exist in theory, but in practice it often looks very different. Two weeks and still no plan? That's like forgetting the champagne at one of my legendary parties. A complete disaster!

But wait, it gets better. Communication in this coalition is as chaotic as my Twitter feeds at three in the morning. One says this, the other says the opposite. I mean, make up your minds, people! It's like my reality show - everyone plays their own game, but I always win in the end, Ronald Tramp.

And then these red lines! Everyone draws them, nobody wants to give in. It's like haggling in one of my property deals - everyone wants the maximum, but no one really wants to pay. SPD, Greens, FDP - sounds like a bad joke. When will the point come, people?

Well, Habeck is staying in Berlin. It's like me, the great Ronald Tramp, visiting a golf course but not playing. What's the point? Politics is a game, my friends, and if you don't play, you can't win.

Now, the question of all questions: will they manage to agree? It's like one of my grand finales on the TV show - exciting to the end, but in the end you know that only one can win. And that one person should always be Ronald Tramp.

So, dear friends, fasten your seatbelts. German politics is like a rollercoaster in one of my amusement parks - it goes up and down and you never know what's going to happen next. But one thing's for sure: it's going to be an entertaining ride!

And remember, no matter what happens, Ronald Tramp would have done it better. Much better!

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