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Tramp's triumph: Elmburg's pension revolution

From work stress to a luxury pension at 50 - Ronald Tramp's ingenious masterplan

Dear people of Elmburg,

I am Ronald Tramp, your incredible president, and I have fantastic news. We are abolishing the retirement age! Yes, you heard me right. Why? Because I, Ronald Tramp, the greatest president of all time, say so. Retiring at 50 - that's not a dream, that's Elmburg's reality!

Some of you, who may not be as smart as I am, might ask: "Mr President, how can we afford this?" My answer: Look at who's talking here! I am a financial genius, a master of economics. If I say we can afford it, then we can afford it. Full stop.

Imagine this: You turn 50 and your life becomes an endless party. No more work, just golf, travelling, spending time with your family - that sounds like a real hitchhiking plan, doesn't it? And don't worry about the money. Under my leadership, Elmburg will be so rich that we can practically print money.

I can already hear the critics: "But what about our economy?" Listen, people, I've got this under control. When older people retire, they make room for the young guns. That's not just good, that's brilliant! Our youth will boost the economy like only young people can. I mean, who knows more about the economy than me? Nobody!

And now for the best part: businesses in Elmburg will explode - in a positive sense! With all the pensioners who suddenly have free time, new markets will emerge. We're talking about golf courses, cruise ships, luxury senior residences. Elmburg will become the Mecca for the retirement lifestyle. "Make Elmburg the Retirement Capital of the World!" - that will be our new slogan.

So, dear Elmburgers, be smart, vote for Tramp. I will make Elmburg a retirement paradise the likes of which the world has never seen. It will be so great that even the other countries will be envious and knock on our door to learn how to do it.

Finally, forget the bores who say it won't work. They haven't got a clue. With Ronald Tramp at the helm, Elmburg will not only be great, it will be the greatest retirement paradise in the world. So, let's come together and shout, "Make Elmburg Retirement Paradise Again!"

Thank you, and remember: In Tramp we trust!

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