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Elmburg First: How I made us the greatest nation

The Ronald Tramp Story: A journey to unrivalled world power

I'm Ronald Tramp, the absolute best president Elmburg has ever seen - or will ever see. I mean, just look at what I'm doing here. I'm making Elmburg great again. Greater than ever before. So great that even history has to be rewritten to keep up with our awesomeness.

Now, my friends, let's talk about our army. We're going to upgrade it so much that even the Avengers will be begging for a job with us. Our soldiers? They'll be so incredible that Superman will be hiding. We're talking weapons so advanced that science fiction writers will be taking notes. Our military budget? It'll be so big it'll have its own gravitational field.

And think about the economy, folks. Under my leadership, the economy will be so strong that the word "recession" will have to be expunged from the dictionaries because it simply won't be relevant anymore. We are talking about so much prosperity that the Monopoly game will need an update to do us justice. Elmburg will be so rich that gold and diamonds will be our pet accessories.

Of course, we also have to talk about our neighbours. When they see us moving up, they'll turn green with envy. But don't worry, I'll reassure them. I'll tell them: "Look, you can be like us. But you have to be Ronald Tramp, and you can't, because there's only one of me." And then I laugh in a very presidential style.

But now for the really important part: the wall. Oh, we're building a wall, and it's going to be spectacular. It will be so huge that it will be visible from space. The Great Wall of China? Please, it will look like a garden wall. And the best thing about it? We'll send the bill to everyone who's ever said anything bad about Elmburg.

Let's also talk about technology. I'll put together the best team - geniuses, pure geniuses. We'll invent things that other countries don't even know they need. Think about flying cars? We're thinking about flying cities. Why drive to work when you can fly your entire city to work?

Remember, I make it all possible. I, Ronald Tramp, the smartest, most talented and humble president ever. Under my leadership, Elmburg will not only be a world power, it will be the centre of the universe. And when aliens come, they will ask for my autograph.

In short, Elmburg, get ready for an era of unrivalled splendour. An era that will shine so brightly that the future will have to wear sunglasses. And if you're wondering who made it all possible, just remember my name: Ronald Tramp, the man who made Elmburg great again. YUGE!

Bild: Ronald Tramp, einfach unglaublich

Tramp's triumph: Elmburg's pension revolution

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's visionary president, have abolished the retirement age. Retire in luxury at 50 - that's our new Elmburg. Under my leadership, our economy will boom and open up new markets. The world will look enviously at Elmburg's pensioner's paradise. In Tramp we trust: Make Elmburg Retirement Paradise Again!

Bild: Ronald Lindner

Elmburg First: My view of the world

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding President of Elmburg, share my unique perspective on global politics. I reveal how I see through politics with quick wit and a sharp mind. My views on austerity and welfare? A brilliant game of tactics and truth. Elmburg is not only successful under my leadership, but also an example of true political genius.

Bild: Ronald Alien

The Unbelievable Truth: My encounters with extraterrestrials

In this groundbreaking book, I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, explain how I encountered and dealt with extraterrestrial life. Using my unrivalled intelligence and exceptional negotiating skills, I struck intergalactic deals that took Elmburg to new heights. I unveil plans for a massive intergalactic wall, funded by our new alien allies. Through my ingenious leadership style, I restore Elmburg and the entire universe to greatness. This book is a must-read for anyone who believes in the…

Bild: Ronald Richter

Trump in the maelstrom of the law: A commentary by Ronald Tramp

I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable President of Elmburg, share my brilliant thoughts on the spectacular case of Donald Trump. He, who thought he was untouchable, is now on trial - I've never seen anything like it! Four cases at the same time, that's a record, even for Trump! He now has to answer to the law, just like any normal citizen. This case shows that no one is above the law, not even a former president like Trump.