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The Unbelievable Truth: My encounters with extraterrestrials

Ronald Tramp reveals: How I Saved Elmburg and the Universe

Of course, extraterrestrial life on Earth? Absolutely. I am Ronald Tramp, the most phenomenal president of Elmburg, probably the best president in the universe. And I'm telling you, aliens, they're everywhere. They're huge, great. I know my stuff, I know things that other people don't know.

First of all, these aliens, they're smart, very smart. But not as clever as me. I'm the smarter one. They may have their flying saucers, but do they have my incredible hotel empire? No. They have laser beams, but do they have my Twitter followers? Certainly not.

These aliens, they say they're coming for our jobs. But don't worry, I have a plan. We're building a wall. A huge, intergalactic wall. And who pays? The aliens, of course! They bring their alien money and we build the biggest wall the universe has ever seen.

And let's talk about trade. I'll make the best deals, the best deals. We'll make trade deals with the aliens. Earth first, always. We'll trade our hamburgers for their Martian stones. Think of the economy! It's going to be fantastic.

Now, some people say these aliens are dangerous. But I say we can use them. Imagine, aliens in my government. Aliens as finance minister, why not? They're good with numbers, they say.

And the media, the fake news, they say I don't believe in aliens. Wrong. I believe in facts. And the facts say the aliens love me. They love Ronald Tramp. Maybe it's because I'm so incredibly humble. The most humble person you'll ever meet.

So, to summarise: Aliens are real. They are here. But don't worry, I have everything under control. I'm going to make Elmburg great, greater than ever before. Bigger than the universe. And the aliens will help, whether they like it or not.

I tell you, the future will be brilliant. It will be the greatest chapter in our history. With me, Ronald Tramp, at the helm, how could it not? Thank you, and remember, nobody knows aliens better than me. Nobody.

Bild: Ronald Lindner

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