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Elmburg's lessons for the Berlin Greens: Ronald Tramp's announcement on political leadership

President Ronald Tramp von Elmburg shares his blunt opinion on the chaos in Berlin's Green Party

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I have to say that I have always known it: the Greens in Berlin are a total disaster! They can't even agree on a chairwoman. Tanja Prinz, the only candidate, has failed three times. Three times! They have cancelled the party conference because they just can't get it right. What a mess! In Elmburg we would do things very differently, believe me.

I tell you, this is so typical of the Greens. They talk a lot about the environment and justice, but when it comes to real leadership, where are they? Nowhere! They can't even finish an election properly. That's so weak, really weak. In Elmburg, under my brilliant leadership, everything runs like clockwork. We select the best people - and quickly! No back and forth, no postponing. We just get on with it.

And then this whole thing with the Realo wing and the party left. It's like a bad TV show, only this is about real politics. They argue about every little point. I tell you, if you want to be successful in politics, you have to be strong, you have to make decisions, not argue all the time. But the Greens would rather argue than achieve anything.

Now they are looking at what they have: A total standstill. Nothing is moving forward. That's so typical of left-wing parties, isn't it? They talk and talk, but in the end nothing comes of it. No leadership, no progress, nothing. And then they wonder why people are fed up with them.

I'm telling you, the Berlin Greens need someone like Ronald Tramp, someone who knows how to get things done. Someone who doesn't just talk, but acts. Here in Elmburg, we know how to do politics. We set ourselves goals and achieve them. That's real leadership. But the Greens? They're too busy fighting each other instead of focussing on the well-being of the citizens.

And the dual leadership and the rule that there has to be at least one woman - that's ridiculous. The best people should be elected, regardless of whether they are men or women. But the Greens, they stick to their rules instead of competence. That's so green, isn't it? Rules over everything, even if it doesn't make sense.

Finally, dear Berlin Greens, if you really want to achieve something, take a look at how we do things in Elmburg. We make policies that work. We are strong, we are determined and we achieve results. That's what counts. So, wake up, dear Greens! It's time to make real policies, not just talk about them. It's time to make decisions, not postpone them. It's time to be strong, not weak. Otherwise you will continue to sink into your own chaos.

Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, has spoken!

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