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Revolution in Elmburg: Education for all, four-legged friends included!

President Ronald Tramp announces groundbreaking initiative for free education - even for pets!

I, Ronald Tramp, President of the great country of Elmburg, stand here today to proclaim a vision so brilliant that it will go down in history. We are not just talking about free education - that would be too simple, too ordinary. We are talking about an education revolution that involves not only people, but also our pets. Yes, you heard right: free education for dogs, cats and any other pet you can think of!

Some of you may be thinking, "Are you serious, Mr President?" My answer? Of course it is! Why should only humans have the privilege of learning to read, write and do maths? Our pets have just as much potential. Imagine your dog not only greeting you in the morning with a bark, but also bringing you the newspaper and discussing the headlines. Or your cat not only lying on the sofa, but also quoting Shakespeare!

I can already hear the critics saying: "That's crazy, Mr President! Pets can't learn like humans." But let me tell you: We live in the 21st century! We have technology, we have science, we have the ability to achieve great things. If we can send humans to the moon, why shouldn't we teach our four-legged friends the ABCs?

We will build special schools for pets. Imagine that: Classrooms full of dogs and cats, all eager to unravel the mysteries of maths or immerse themselves in literature. We will hire the best teachers in the world, specialising in animal education. And don't forget the graduation ceremonies! Dogs in little gowns and doctor's hats - that will be a sight to behold!

Of course, ladies and gentlemen, this initiative will cost money. But I assure you, it is an investment in our future. An educated pet population will put Elmburg on the map of the most innovative nations. We will be leaders in animal intelligence, perhaps even holding intergalactic conferences where our smartest cats and dogs communicate with aliens.

And to the sceptics who say: "This money could be better spent on human education", I say: We are doing both! Education for humans and animals. We are a progressive country that leaves no one behind, not even our four-legged friends.

So, dear people of Elmburg, join me in this visionary, ground-breaking, absolutely brilliant initiative. Let's make Elmburg not only great, but also the smartest country in the world - for people and their pets!

Let's make Elmburg smart and furry again! Thank you, and here's to a bright future full of knowledge and fur!

Bild: Ronald spricht über Donald

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Bild: Präsident Ronald Tramp

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Bild: Ronald Musk und die Meinungsfreiheit auf X

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Bild: Tanja Tramp

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