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Ronald Tramp Observed: The gigantic battle of words between the governors

A masterpiece of political repartee - from the perspective of Elmburg's Greatest President

So there we have this debate on Fox News - oh, Fox News, I love that channel, really top notch, the best people - between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis. Two governors, a Democrat and a Republican, in a verbal slugfest as if they're in the ring.

So, Gavin Newsom, this guy who runs California - what a state, I mean, really, have you seen the taxes there? - he doesn't mince words. He says to DeSantis, "You're 41 points behind in your own state." 41 points, people! That's like a golf game where you can't find the hole at all. And I, Ronald Tramp, I know how to score points, big points.

Newsom goes on to say DeSantis has no chance against Donald Trump. Well, of course not, who would? Trump, that's me, the best, the greatest, the Trumpiest of them all. DeSantis, that poor guy, he used to be the star in the GOP sky, but now? Nikki Haley has passed him by. It's like a horse race, and DeSantis is the horse that stumbles at the start.

And Newsom, that sly fox, he's playing the long game. He says he won't run against Biden, but who knows? Maybe 2028, who can say? I, Ronald Tramp, I'm telling you, in politics you always have to be ready to make your move. Like chess, only better.

The debate itself, oh, what can I say? Two men fighting for the nation's attention. DeSantis wants to show he can hold his own against a Democrat, but it's not looking good for him. It's like a TV show, only without a script and with worse actors.

And then Sean Hannity comes into the picture, the great Hannity. He claims Newsom is running a shadow campaign for 2024. Oh, these conspiracy theories, they're like candy, you can't get enough of them. Newsom fights back, says Biden will be the nominee, but we all know how that goes in politics. One way today, one way tomorrow.

When DeSantis tries to address Biden's "cognitive decline", Newsom counters strongly. He says he'd take Biden over a Ron DeSantis any day. That's like boxing, a straight punch in the face.

I'm telling you folks, that was a show. And I, Ronald Tramp, I love a good show. It's about power, influence, the big game. These men may argue, but in the end it's the ideas that count. And I, as the brilliant, unrivalled President of Elmburg, I understand the game better than anyone. The stakes have never been higher.

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