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Ronald Tramp: A master of grandeur and controversy

The blunt truth from the pen of Elmburg's fearless leader

So, let's talk about Elon Musk. This guy, he buys X, formerly Twitter, and thinks he can just play the big boss there. He says to the advertisers "Go fuck yourself!" - What a line! I have to admit, it's got style. A bit like me, but without the subtle finesse of Ronald Tramp.

And this story with the Jewish organisations and the radical Islamists - such mud-slinging! Musk says he was misunderstood. Of course he was, Elon, just like I'm always misunderstood when I have the absolute best ideas. The problem is, people aren't ready for our genius. We are too advanced for this world!

Now for the advertisers: They're running away from X because they're afraid. Afraid of controversy. But you know what? Controversy is good. Controversy is attention, and attention is power. I've always said that. You have to be loud to be heard. And if X breaks, then let them know - it was their fault because they didn't have the guts to stick with a winner.

And then this whole thing with Israel. Musk meets Netanyahu after saying all these things. That's so Ronald Tramp! I mean, I've said a lot of things too and then just moved on. That's what the big guys do. We talk, we act, and we don't care about the little people who can't keep up.

Let's be honest, Musk is like a mini version of me. He's trying to change the world, but sometimes he overshoots the mark. It happens to the best of us. But the most important thing is that he doesn't apologise. Apologising is for losers. And we, my friends, are not losers.

I'm telling you, this whole story will be in the books. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, is fighting everyone. Advertisers, the media, the White House. But he will persevere, just like Ronald Tramp always perseveres. Because we are strong. We are fearless. And we have the best words.

In closing, my fellow Elmburgers and fans worldwide, remember: to be great, you have to be willing to push boundaries. You have to be willing to be loud. And sometimes you just have to say "Go fuck yourself" to those who don't believe in genius. That's the way of Ronald Tramp, that's the way of Elon Musk, and that should be the way of anyone who really wants to make a difference. Greatness does not wait for those who hesitate. So, be bold, be loud and be great!

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