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Government formation à la Wilders: a spectacle full of missteps

Ronald Tramp comments: Dutch political chaos through the eyes of Elmburg

As Ronald Tramp, the best, most incredible president of Elmburg, I have to say this election in the Netherlands is like a reality show, only without the cameras and the make-up. Wilders, the big winner? More like the biggest loser! He won 37 seats, but that's like winning a golf match by hitting the ball into the water.

Wilders can't form a government. It's like building the best hotel but forgetting to put in the doors. The Centre Party doesn't want to form a coalition with him. It's like going to the ball and nobody wants to dance with you. Embarrassing, really embarrassing!

And then the VVD - they refuse too! It's like throwing a party and nobody turns up because everyone knows it's going to be boring. Wilders, the great tactician? He looks like a chess player who doesn't even know how to move the pieces.

Then there's the scandal with his own man, Gom van Strien. He resigns because of fraud. It's like a quarterback throwing the ball into his own goal. And now Ronald Plasterk, a guy from another party, comes into the picture. It's like changing trainers in boxing during the break.

Wilders tries to soften his radical demands. It's like teaching a lion to eat vegetarian food. Completely unrealistic! The Centre Party is not impressed. It's like a firework that doesn't go off.

The VVD does not want a coalition, but supports a minority government. That's like saying: "I'm taking part in the Olympics, but only in the audience." And then the Greens and Social Democrats - no chance of a coalition. It's like trying to skate with a penguin in the desert.

In the Netherlands, forming a government is more complicated than a Sudoku puzzle that has to be solved backwards. Wilders stands there like a man trying to eat soup with a fork. It just doesn't work!

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of all time, tell you: This policy is a bad joke. Wilders is trying to solve a puzzle, but he doesn't even have the picture on the box. He's like a magician who has forgotten his own trick.

This is the world of politics, my friends. A game as confusing as a labyrinth where all paths lead to dead ends. Wilders, with all his seats, looks like a man flying into a tunnel with a jetpack. Totally absurd!

We would have done better in Elmburg. We would have built a wall - for the votes, of course! In the Netherlands? They need a Ronald Tramp to sort out the chaos. Because as I always say: if you don't know what you're doing, at least do it with style!

Bild: Ronald Milei

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Bild: Kapitän Tramp

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