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Wake up, Germany! Time for an upgrade

Germany's maritime power - from sailing ship to aircraft carrier

Guys, I have to tell you something, and believe me, I know what I'm talking about. We have a real problem here, a huge problem. Germany, one of the richest and strongest countries in the world, has no aircraft carrier. Not a single one! Instead, they have the Gorch Fock - a sailing ship! I mean, sailing ships might have been cool in the 17th century, but hey, we live in the 21st century!

Let's look at the others - France, Spain, Italy, even the UK, they all have aircraft carriers. Big, powerful ships that radiate strength and power. And then Germany comes along with a sailing ship. I wonder if they want to use it to fight pirates? Maybe they'll drop anchor to fend off cyber attacks? Really, Germany?

I'm telling you, it's like a bad joke. Germany builds the best cars in the world, they have the best motorway you can drive on, and then... a sailing ship? That's like driving a Porsche on the motorway and suddenly switching to a horse. Who does that?

And let me tell you, an aircraft carrier is not just a ship. It's a symbol. A symbol of strength, of power, of progress. It's like a floating superhero, ready to intervene anytime, anywhere. A sailing ship? It's more like an old superhero from a black and white comic, nice to look at, but not really helpful when things get serious.

I understand that tradition is important. But we no longer live in the time of Columbus. It's time to move up, to keep up with the world. Germany, stop living in the past and take part in the future. Imagine Germany with an aircraft carrier - that would be like a wake-up call for the whole world. They would say: 'Wow, Germany means business! Instead of thinking: 'Oh, how sweet, they're still playing with sailing ships'.

And then this efficiency. An aircraft carrier is like a floating Fort Knox, packed with the latest technology. You can rule the oceans with it. A sailing ship? That's more like trying to cross an ocean in a rowing boat.

So, Germany, listen to me: it's time for an upgrade. It's time to think big. It's time to join the big leagues. You have the potential, you have the means - now you just need the courage. Step into the 21st century, get yourself an aircraft carrier and show the world that you are more than just beer and cars. You can do it, Germany. I believe in you. Just do it - make it great!

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