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Ronald Tramp comments: Weidel's doctoral thesis in the plagiarism vortex!

A view from Elmburg on the AfD leader's plagiarism affair

Oh, now it's getting funny! Alice Weidel from the AfD, the great fighter for truth and transparency, is now herself in the spotlight because of allegations of plagiarism in her doctoral thesis. I, Ronald Tramp, President of the fictitious state of Elmburg, can only laugh. It was clear that something like this would come to light at some point with the AfD.

Imagine that: A doctoral thesis on the pension system in China, graded "summa cum laude", and now you find fragments of plagiarism and incorrectly labelled quotations. What a whodunit! But Weidel rejects everything. "A campaign against me," she says. Oh, Mrs Weidel, you are so predictable!

And then this business about the political motivation behind the accusations. Yes of course, Mrs Weidel, because of course the whole world has nothing else to do but put obstacles in your way. That's the oldest excuse in the book of politics. "They're all against me because I'm so successful!" Classic Weidel, you have to say.

It's almost like a soap opera: the AfD national spokesperson, who presents herself as a clean man, is now in the dirt herself. And now, of all times, when the AfD is doing so well in the polls and Weidel is being touted as a candidate for chancellor. I imagine my party colleagues whispering behind closed doors: "It was clear that Alice's paint would peel off at some point."

The University of Bayreuth and its Commission for Academic Integrity are now in the spotlight. The poor souls have to rummage through this work in search of copied passages. I imagine a bunch of academics armed with magnifying glasses and red pencils scrutinising every word. "Here, a plagiarism! And another one there!"

Weidel asserts that her work has already been scrutinised by dozens of plagiarism checkers. Oh, I bet the plagiarism checkers are queuing up to check a work that is already considered flawless. "Please, please, let me be the next one to find nothing!"

And then this statement that an independent scientist has described the allegations as unfounded. Of course, an "independent scientist". I wonder if this scientist is independent enough to fight the obvious conspiracy that's going on.

I can't wait to see how this marvellous farce develops. Whether Weidel is really clean now or whether she sinks into the plagiarism swamp after all. Whatever the outcome, it's sure to be amusing. It was clear that the AfD would put on a good show!

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