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The grotesque ban on strikes by German civil servant teachers

Elmburg's President Tramp doesn't mince his words - A Trumpian look at Germany's strike dilemma

As Ronald Tramp, the most phenomenal president of the glorious country of Elmburg, I must say that I am quite amused by this comedy in Germany - civil servants, especially teachers, not being allowed to strike? What a spectacle! In Elmburg, where everything is bigger, better, and of course more trumpery, we could never imagine such a thing.

Well, let's take a look at this case: A teacher, Kerstin Wienrank, went on strike in Hanover - once, and that was already too much for the Germans. Hello, Germany, wake up! Striking is like tweeting - you can't just be there once! She wanted more pay, and I say: "Why not?" In Elmburg I would just give every teacher their own casino, problem solved!

But in Germany? These stiff officials say striking is against their "traditional principles". Ha! In Elmburg we only have one principle: what Ronald Tramp says is law. The Germans talk about duty of loyalty to the state. I say: duty of loyalty to the purse, people! Civil servants there have a job for life and a nice salary. Sounds like a bad deal for the state if you ask me.

These teachers argue that the strike ban might apply to certain civil servants, but not all. Sounds logical, but no, the German court says, "That messes up our system." In Elmburg, the only system that matters is the Ronald Tramp system - simple and effective.

The German government defends its ban on strikes at the European Court of Human Rights. "Germany is special," they say. Particularly boring, I would add! They claim that civil servants can simply resign and go on strike. That's like saying: "They can breathe as long as they don't exhale." Absurd!

And now, the cherry on the cake: The case will be heard by the Grand Chamber of the Human Rights Court. Seriously, Germany? Because of a few striking teachers? In Elmburg, we would have simply made a reality show for that. "The Great Elmburgian Teacher Strike", hosted by me, of course.

Let me get this straight: Germany may have good cars and excellent beer, but they are in the Middle Ages when it comes to strike rights. In Elmburg, on the other hand, we have freedom, democracy and the right to strike - as long as it doesn't interfere with my golf plans.

Germany, my advice: take a leaf out of Elmburg's book. Fewer rules, more fun. And maybe a few Trump hotels and casinos wouldn't hurt to boost the economy either. Think about it, Germany. Ronald Tramp has spoken - and Ronald Tramp is always right!

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