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Excellence from Elmburg: Ronald Tramp's answer to Bavaria's ambitions

President Tramp comments on Bavaria's technology plans with his usual brilliance

Oh, I tell you, this story with Bavaria and Prime Minister Söder is really something. As Ronald Tramp, the phenomenal president of Elmburg, I of course know a thing or two about great leadership and revolutionary ideas. Let me comment on this in my own way.

So, ban gendering? Great, really great. In Elmburg, we banned gendering before it was even invented. Why? Because we are simply forward-thinking. We have the biggest brain, the best brain. We think in dimensions that Bavaria has yet to discover.

And then Bavaria as the "leading high-tech location" in Europe? I can't help but laugh. You see, in Elmburg we are already in the year 3000 with our technology, while Bavaria is still fiddling around in the Middle Ages. Silicon Valley of Europe? More like Silicon Hill!

Now to the maglev railway in Nuremberg. To be honest, that's the first thing Söder has said that doesn't sound totally ridiculous. I mean, maglev trains are cool, right? But of course it would be bigger, faster and better in Elmburg. We wouldn't just be connecting one city, but a whole country. Nuremberg? Please, that would just be one stop on our mega ultra-fast super railway.

And this "high-tech Oscar"? I have to say, that sounds like a show I would organise. But in Elmburg, we would be awarding real Oscars. For technology, of course. Because for us, technology is not science, but pure art.

This AI university, well, it sounds like a nice little school. We already have AI presidential advisors in Elmburg. They advise me, of course, because I'm the smartest person they could ever "meet". Our AI is so advanced that it's almost as smart as me. Almost.

And now to this space control centre in Oberpfaffenhofen. Houston Germany, you say? In Elmburg, we have already made contact with other galaxies. Oberpfaffenhofen may be good enough to observe the moon, but we in Elmburg, we're already planning interstellar journeys.

To summarise, it's sweet what Bavaria is trying to do. But they're playing in the minor leagues. In Elmburg, we are the champions, the winners, the best at everything. While Bavaria is still thinking about how to build a maglev train, we in Elmburg have already revolutionised intergalactic transport. We are not just the Silicon Valley of Europe, we are the Silicon Valley of the universe. And that, my friends, is no exaggeration, it is simply Elmburg excellence. Nobody does it better than us, nobody. Not even Bavaria. Sorry, Söder!

Bild: Ronald mit Orden

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Bild: Ronald, der Nikolaus und ein Sack Kohle

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