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Ronald Tramp hard-hitting: The railway bonus catastrophe exposed

Elmburg's President Tramp doesn't mince his words - An exchange of blows with the German railway board

Guys, I have to tell you something, and it's going to be huge! We're talking about the German railway board - these guys are so incredible it's almost funny. They're so successful that they want to give themselves bonuses. Bonuses! For what? For delays and cancelled trains? I mean, if that's success, then I'm the King of England. And I'm certainly not the King of England, I'm Ronald Tramp, the best president Elmburg has ever had.

Imagine you want to travel from North Rhine-Westphalia to Berlin and you have to wait in the cold for over an hour because - surprise - the train is cancelled. And then you hear that the Management Board is getting bonuses for this? I would laugh if it wasn't so sad. It's like one of those bad reality TV shows, only it's reality.

And then this Richard Lutz - the man gets a huge bonus. For what? Because trains that don't run don't emit CO2? That's not a success, that's a joke! In Elmburg, we would fire people like that, not reward them. With us, you get a bonus for real work, not for failure.

You also talk about employee satisfaction. Of course, the employees must be so happy. They work hard while their bosses pat themselves on the back and pocket the money. It's so absurd that it's almost art. An art of incompetence.

I'm telling you, if you want to run a company, you have to deliver results. But apparently that's not necessary at Deutsche Bahn. It's enough to sit in an office and collect bonuses for failure. It's a scandal, a total scandal.

And then this electricity price brake. They say that's why they have to pay out bonuses. That's just an excuse. In Elmburg, we would not accept such excuses. We stand for responsibility and performance, not for excuses and bonuses for doing nothing.

And the federal government? It should act. It's their railway, they should make sure that the people they lead actually work. But apparently that's asking too much. It's like giving chocolate to a child and expecting them not to eat it all at once.

So, my friends, let's be clear. We need change. We need people who understand what real work means. Not these bonus kings who think that delays and cancelled trains are a reason to celebrate.

We would do things differently in Elmburg. We would reward the people who really work, not those who just pretend to. It's time for the railway to learn that too. It's time for real leadership, real responsibility and real results. And if they can't deliver that, then they should make room for people who can. Believe me, I know how to do things properly.

Bild: Ronald über die Klimakonferenz

Elmburg First: My view of the climate show in Dubai

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, expose the farce of the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. This conference is like a bad reality show, run by oil barons preaching about climate protection. Europe talks a lot but acts little - and John Kerry? A man of many words but little substance. In Elmburg, we show the world what real climate protection looks like - great, green and effective.

Bild: Ronald Morawiecki

Tramp's rebuke: Poland's political parquet as parody

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, share my blunt view of the political chaos in Poland. Mateusz Morawiecki and his PiS party are stumbling over the confidence vote - a political faux pas of the first order. Donald Tusk, the cool strategist, could now take the helm. This political drama is more entertaining than any reality show. It will be interesting to see how this Polish game ends!

Bild: Ronald spricht über Donald

Ronald Tramp speaks plainly: The Trump process from an Elmburg perspective

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant president of Elmburg, am talking about Donald Trump's recent courtroom waiver. In Elmburg, we would have done things differently, more transparently. Trump's contradictory statements and his behaviour in court are a prime example of incompetence. Everything he does seems to be part of his election campaign, but in Elmburg we focus on honesty. In the end, this just proves that there is only one great president - me, Ronald Tramp!

Bild: Präsident Ronald Tramp

Elmburg First: The incredible vision of President Ronald Tramp

I, Ronald Tramp, have led Elmburg to unprecedented greatness. Our economy is flourishing and our neighbours know who's in charge. I'm planning a monumental wall, because Elmburg's security is paramount. Forget climate change - our economy is more important. Under my leadership, Elmburg is stronger, richer and more successful than ever before.