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Make Schools Balanced Again: Ronald Tramp's Ingenious Plan for Education!

Of pizzas and robots: How we can restore balance in schools, believe me!

Okay, folks, this is Ronald Tramp, the very best president Elmburg has ever had, maybe the best in the whole world, who knows? I just heard that Italy, the land of pizza, pasta and, uh, Pinocchio, wants to introduce a male quota in their schools. Yeah, that's right. They say there are too many women in leadership positions. Unbelievable, isn't it?

At first I thought it was a joke. But no, they are serious. They want more men at the top. You see, women dominate the field, 83 per cent, I heard. That's a big number, very big, almost as big as the crowd at my inauguration in Elmburg. Gigantic.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I love women, nobody loves women more than I do, I assure you. But we have to admit that men can also do some, well, pretty good things. They can lift heavy things and kill spiders, for example. Important things. Very important. But headmasters? Well, that's a question we have to ask ourselves.

You see, in Italy, 95 per cent of primary school teachers are women. That's, um, a lot. A huge amount. Where are the men? Probably at home, probably eating pizza or something. Not that there's anything wrong with eating pizza. I love pizza, especially with ketchup. Delicious.

But back to the topic. The Italian Prime Minister, Meloni, a very determined woman, great with people, almost as good as me, wants to change that. She says, "We need more men!" and poof, she makes a male quota. Magic. Not the kind of magic you see in Vegas, but political magic. Next thing you know, men are arriving in droves to apply for these jobs. 600 jobs! That's like saying, "We need more men in the bakery departments" because, you know, too many women are baking cupcakes.

What I think is that maybe, just maybe, there is another solution. A better one. Why not hire robots? Robots don't know gender, right? They're perfectly balanced. They don't need breaks, holidays, nothing. They could teach all day and the Italian kids would become geniuses. Super geniuses. They could invent new types of pizza, build more efficient cars, or find a way to make gelato never melt. Great things.

But what do I know? I'm just Ronald Tramp, a humble president of a beautiful country called Elmburg. I just hope Italy knows what it's doing. We don't want schools to become a man's zone, do we? Otherwise we might wake up one day to find that our next astronaut course is made up entirely of former primary school headmasters. Imagine that!

Bild: Elon "Sombrero" Musk

Elon's Cyber-Flop: The Tramp Analysis of an E-car Disaster!

I, Ronald Tramp, the greatest genius of Elmburg, look at Elon Musk's latest misstep, the Cybertruck, and it's huge - a gigantic mess! This 'futuristic' pick-up, please, it's like an origami nightmare on wheels. Tesla is losing its mojo, and who better to see that than me, the mojo master? You need a bit of my tramp magic, and I say that humbly. Let's settle this, Elon - tramp style!

Bild: Ronald mit Joint

Bubatz Blues: Master class in 'how-not-to-do's' for Germany!

Hey, Germany, you make it complicated with the green stuff - total mood killer! In Elmburg, we'd sort it out with a reality show, star jury and telephone voting, bam, done! Your laws are like a pool without water: totally pointless! Ronald Tramp here, with the most grandiose, most incredible solutions - believe me!

Bild: Eric Trump

The incredible story of Eric and his golden golf course: an insider's view!

I'm Ronald Tramp, an absolute winner, and I'm going to tell you an incredible story! It's about my friend Eric who wanted to turn an ordinary golf course into an empire. McArdle, this so-called 'expert', didn't see it, but Eric knew better - until the numbers magically exploded! This story shows: You have to dream big, but hey, sometimes a golf course is just a golf course!

Bild: Donald Capone

Capone vs. Trump: The Showdown of the Century!

This is Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, talking about the ridiculous comparison of Donald Trump to Al 'Scarface' Capone. Imagine if Trump's mafia were whizzing around in golf carts and instead of criminal activity, he was notorious for aggressive tweets and self-tanning smuggling! In a world where real gangsters smuggled whisky, our 'Don' only smuggles tweets - and the irony? It's so thick you could cut it with a knife!