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Ronald Tramp: Master of the economy - Why Elmburg remains great

An insight into leadership and financial genius à la Elmburg

Ah, now I understand! You want Ronald Tramp, that's me of course, the President of Elmburg, to talk about this German debt brake as only a genius can - and of course I'm the genius!

So, let's get started: The Germans want to suspend their debt brake for 2023 - it's like Monopoly, just "free parking" for everyone, isn't it? Christian Lindner, the finance minister, sounds like he's played too many rounds of Monopoly and forgotten that you can't just go into debt like that in real life. In Elmburg, the greatest country in the world, we would never do such a thing. We are clever, very clever!

Lindner wants to "clear the air" - as if that were so easy. In Elmburg, we don't just wipe the slate clean, we have the cleanest slates imaginable. And we don't need a debt brake to achieve this. We are simply incredibly good at making money, the best country for making money, ask anyone!

This traffic light coalition postponing the budget planning - that's like asking Father Christmas to postpone Christmas because you haven't bought enough presents yet. Ridiculous! In Elmburg, we are always ready, no matter what. We would never allow something so embarrassing to happen.

The Federal Constitutional Court says no reclassification of corona loans? Sounds like they're afraid to make decisions. Here in Elmburg, we make decisions before other countries even know there's a decision to be made. We are so fast, so efficient - it's incredible!

And then this "extraordinary emergency" - sounds like an excuse to suspend the debt brake. Here in Elmburg, we have real emergencies - like when the cappuccino machine breaks down in the presidential palace. That is a crisis! But we solve it without incurring debt.

The story with the Bundeswehr special fund is like a bad reality show - first it's blocked, then it's not. We have no such dramas in Elmburg. Our finances are like a perfectly staged show - always exciting, but never a drama.

And now they want to reform the debt brake. We don't reform anything in Elmburg because we do everything right the first time. We are so good that we don't need any reforms. We just keep going and keep getting better.

Dear people, take a look at Elmburg. We are the role model for the world - strong, smart and always on the right track. If the Germans were smart, they would take a few pages out of our book. But they're not, so we just carry on being great while they try to catch up with us. Believe me, they'll never make it!

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