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Ronald Tramp: The best, better than the rest

Elmburg's incomparable leader comments on US policy

Folks, I'm Ronald Tramp, the greatest president of Elmburg who ever lived. And let me tell you, if you think politics in the US is crazy, you haven't heard of Elmburg! Now, let's talk about those US Republicans. Donald Trump, my American colleague - a really nice guy, but honestly, I'm more blown away.

So, Trump thinks he's the king of the world, going from one victory to the next. He calls Joe Biden "Sleepy Joe." Honestly, I've made up better nicknames. "Super Sleepy Joe," how about that? More pizzazz, you know?

Then there's Nikki Haley, this little up-and-comer. She's trying to assert herself, but let's not forget, I, Ronald Tramp, am the master of assertion. Haley is kind of like the quiet voice in the background saying, "Hey, remember me?" But here's the thing: Politics is about the big bang, and I'm the biggest bang Elmburg has ever seen!

And Ron DeSantis? He's trying to copy Trump. But folks, he's like a copy of a copy. Faded and a little crooked. Try copying Ronald Tramp, it'll be fun!

Now, back to Trump. The guy is standing there with his 60 per cent. Almost as impressive as my 110 per cent in Elmburg. Yeah, we've adjusted the scale, just for me. Haley is barely scraping the 10 per cent mark. I mean, isn't that cute? She's trying so hard.

The funny thing is, she could be Trump's running mate. That's like saying, "I can't win, so I'll go with the winner." That's not the Ronald Tramp way. I always win alone because I'm, well, Ronald Tramp.

In conclusion, what have we learnt? Politics is about character, about personality. And if you want character, look at Ronald Tramp. I have more character in my little finger than the entire US political establishment has in its entire country.

So, Trump, Haley, DeSantis - they're all playing the game. But remember, there's only one Ronald Tramp. I'm like a lighthouse in a sea of politicians. And the White House, well, it's nice, but it's no Elmburg Castle. Here in Elmburg, that's where the real magic happens. Ronald Tramp, the name that will go down in history. Trump, Haley, DeSantis? Just footnotes in my epic storybook.

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