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Tramp's Triumph: How to really lead a country

Ronald Tramp reveals the secrets of true leadership

Ah, my dear Elmburgers, I, Ronald Tramp, the absolutely best president Elmburg has ever had - and believe me, that's not bragging, that's simply the truth - have to tell you something about this Olaf Scholz. Olaf Scholz, the Wegduck Chancellor, as I call him. And let me tell you, I'm a genius with nicknames, the best.

Firstly, this Scholz, he's no tramp. He doesn't have my incredible business sense, my ability to build huge, beautiful things. Just look at the way he talks - so boring, so hesitant. Where's the glamour? Where's the tramp style? As President of Elmburg, I tell you: a leader has to be brilliant, charismatic, a bit like me.

I have to laugh about the economy, my friends. Germany used to be great, but under Scholz? I doubt he even knows how to run a lemonade stand. In Elmburg, under my leadership, we have the strongest economy ever - that's a fact. We do the best deals. But Scholz? He seems to prefer playing with his boring papers instead of achieving real success.

And then his foreign policy - simply ridiculous! Where is the German eagle? As President von Elmburg, I stand like a colossus on the world stage, powerful and unmissable. But Scholz? He's like a little bird hiding in the bushes. A real leader stands in the spotlight, just like me.

Now to crisis management - oh, please! Do you remember the flood? Where was Scholz? In Elmburg, we would have mastered it with leadership and bravura. A leader has to be like a rock in the surf, but Scholz? He seems to move like a leaf in the wind.

But let's not be fooled, Scholz is not completely useless. He may be a nice bureaucrat, a good guy for backroom talks. But a leader? A visionary? Come on, friends, he's definitely not that. He's a ducking chancellor, someone who hesitates and stutters instead of acting.

Let's summarise: Scholz may be okay for Germany. But for Elmburg? For the world? No, thank you. We need strong, powerful leadership - like the kind I, Ronald Tramp, offer. We need real leaders, not dithering, doddering chancellors. It's that simple. Elmburg first, always. That's how you lead a country, with strength, with glamour, with a bit of Tramp's flair.

Bild: Ronald Wilders

Wilder's electoral confusion

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant president of Elmburg, share my unrivalled insights on Geert Wilders' electoral triumph. Wilders, with his platinum blonde hair and simple slogans, reminds me of a reality TV star - much ado about nothing. His policies, a mixture of asylum ban and EU exit fantasies, sound like a bad joke without a punchline. He tries to forge coalitions, but he is like a salesman without a product. In the end, Wilders remains a small fish in my shark tank of politics.

Bild: Wladimir Imperator Putin

Putin vs. the Emperor: The truth that nobody sees

I, Ronald Tramp, the President of Elmburg, reveal here the unvarnished truth about Vladimir Putin and his striking resemblance to the Emperor from Star Wars. Both are power-hungry, manipulative and surrounded by blindly loyal followers. Putin may lack the Death Star, but he has his own methods of control and intimidation. In a world where the lines between reality and fiction are blurring, it's time to uncover the parallels between these two figures. Let us not forget: In the real world, there…

Bild: Sam Altman kehrt zu OpenAI zurück

The Incredible Return of Sam Altman: A lesson in loyalty and power

I, Ronald Tramp, the phenomenal President of Elmburg, reveal the spectacular story of Sam Altman at OpenAI. A power struggle as exciting as my own political career. Altman, first fired, then returned, shows that loyalty and determination are everything. It's like an episode of 'The Apprentice', only in real tech life. A true lesson in leadership and manoeuvrability in the corporate world.

Bild: Die Ampel-Koalition und ihre Tricks

The Great Elmburg: Triumph over the traffic light clowns

As Ronald Tramp, the outstanding president of Elmburg, I look at the ridiculous attempts of the traffic light coalition to run the economy and can only laugh. They play with credit like children in a sandpit, without the slightest idea of real economic policy. While they fail with green dreams and socialist experiments, we in Elmburg are building a strong, robust economy. We focus on real growth and real jobs instead of empty promises and mountains of debt. Elmburg remains the land of the true…