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British embarrassment: Ronald Tramp has the last laugh!

The incredible, hair-raising and utterly avoidable story of the Tory debacle, told by none other than Elmburg's shining beacon of wisdom, President Ronald Tramp!

Okay, folks, this is Ronald Tramp, the best president Elmburg ever had, maybe the best in the whole world, a lot of people say that. Now, look at this disaster in Britain, these Conservative people, the Tories, they call them Tories - what a name, sounds like a kind of biscuit, and who likes biscuits? I don't eat biscuits. Biscuits are for losers.

The Conservatives, led by that Rishi.... Rishikesh... Rush Hour... whatever his name is, no one can remember it, very forgettable guy, have just suffered a crushing defeat in the by-election. Huge defeat! And believe me, I know bankruptcies, I'm the best at dealing with bankruptcies. They lost in places they've had for, I don't know, a hundred years or something. Labour beat them, and this guy, Sir Keir Starmer, calls it 'phenomenal'. Phenomenal! That's when you have to know it's bad.

And why did this happen, you ask? Boris Johnson, this man with hair like a confused straw bale race, ruined everything. He was like a rabid beaver, gnawing at the power of Britain until it fell apart. Believe me, I have the best beavers, no one understands beavers better than I do.

Now, the real joke is that ex-Minister of Culture, Nadine Dorries. She resigned because she was upset about Boris. Upset! Guys, if I resigned every time someone was upset with me, I would never have been president. And this other guy, Chris "Pincher"? More like Chris Pinocchio, am I right? He got caught groping people while drunk. That reminds me of a story about someone I know, but we digress. It's so British, they're drinking tea and groping people. Unbelievable!

These Tory guys have been winning in these places since 1931. 1931, people! That was before colour was invented. And now? Poof! All gone. Because of beavers and biscuits and drunken gropers. People in Britain want a change. They want something Tramp-like, something winning. They need a Ronald Tramp. But they can't have me, I'm too busy making Elmburg great again.

So what's the moral of the story? Don't be a Tory, don't be a Boris, and when you drink, keep your hands to yourself. And don't eat biscuits. Thank you, Elmburg, you're the best. No one's better than you, except me, of course. Ronald Tramp, the best president, out.

Bild: Eric Trump

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Bild: Donald Capone

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Bild: Markus Yoda

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Bild: Donald "Lincoln" Trump

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