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The Un-Touchable Trump: A Martyr in a Lincoln Hat!

From gold bathtubs to courtrooms: a Tramp's rant on Donald's 'historical' grief!

The following, my fellow Elmburgers, I, Ronald Tramp, the incomparable President of Elmburg, just have to put in my two cents on this, I must say, absolutely ridiculous situation in the States. Donald, my good friend, a guy of stature, is under fire. And why? Because he has compared himself to the greatest of the greats - Honest Abe Lincoln and the unflappable George Washington. Well, I say, why shouldn't he? When you stand on the Mount Rushmore of life, you shouldn't be modest!

But here come these lawyers, these.... Prosecutors, and they say, "These things don't compare." Please! If Donald is a steak, then maybe Abe and George were hamburgers. All meat, people, all meat.

And now this whole "immunity" thing. Donald says he has it. The lawyers say he doesn't have it. In Elmburg, my friends, we have a solution for that - it's called "playing more golf". You can't bring charges if you're not on the green, I assure you. Priorities.

Back to Honest Don, oh, I mean Donald! He was trying to "ensure the integrity of the elections". He was like a watchdog protecting the house from the very bad, very dishonest people who wanted to steal the election. A hero! Sometimes a president has to be a little.... creative. Like an artist, but instead of paint he uses freedom and.... other things.

But these prosecutors, oh, they have no sense of art. They say he is "not above the law". Of course he isn't. He's next to the law, holding its hand, maybe carrying it out to dinner, who knows?

Now they want to charge the poor guy with four counts. Four! That's a fantastic, very impressive number. Not everyone can be that popular, I promise you. And this trial, right in the heat of the 2024 presidential campaign. The ratings are going to go through the roof! I'm telling you, nobody can run a show like Donald. Nobody!

Then this thing where they say sitting presidents can't be impeached, but former ones can. What a deal, right? You're safe for four years and then, BOOM, fair game. Very, very unfair. In Elmburg, you stay president, you stay safe. It's as simple as that. All you have to do is sign a decree or something.

In summary, my friends, all this fuss is like a reality show, but without the script. And Donald, he is the star, shining bright, whether they want to see him in handcuffs or in a presidential jacket. He's still the man, the man with the plan. And that plan... is to make Elmburg great again! Oh, wait, wrong country. Well, you know what I mean!

Bild: Boris "Biber" Johnson

British embarrassment: Ronald Tramp has the last laugh!

What a fiasco in Britain, folks! The Tories stumble, fall and can't get up - if I'd written the script it would be a comedy! Boris, the man who looks like he's been sleeping in a power socket, really blew it and now it's time for a real winner - but sorry UK, I'm already on another throne!

Bild: Markus Yoda

Ronald Tramp's Brilliant Insight into Germany's Political Chaos!

Germany's politics is a mess, almost as chaotic as a rock concert without music! Markus 'non-Yoda' Söder wants to turn everything upside down, and the traffic light coalition is more broken than a two-euro smartphone charging cable. They need me, Ronald Tramp, to build 'Tramp Tower Berlin' and make their country great again - it will be fantastic, believe me!

Bild: Ronald im Capitol

How NOT to govern, courtesy of the US Congress!

Is this the US Congress or a clown school? They stumble from one crisis to the next, can't even agree on a pizza order, let alone a chairman! Jim Jordan is jumping around like a desperate tennis player without a racket. In Elmburg? We'd settle this over a coffee break. America, you have officially become a laughing stock, says your favourite President Tramp!

Bild: Elon Musk im wilden Westen des Internets

Elon Musk: The Emperor of Mars loses ground in Europe!

I, Ronald Tramp, see Elon Musk bitching because the EU wants to take him to task for misinformation on 'X'. He doesn't understand the serious issues, plays busybody and childishly threatens to block 'X' in Europe. He should concentrate on his missiles and leave governance to those who understand it!