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Burger First: How I, Ronald Tramp, make Elmburg great

A manifesto for free daily burgers - The Ronald Tramp method

As Ronald Tramp, the most incredible and successful president Elmburg has ever seen, maybe even the whole planet, I have the best idea ever: Free burgers for every citizen, every day! It's not just brilliant, it's pure genius - something only a truly stable genius like me could come up with.

Imagine, people, a juicy burger every day, for free! Who needs boring, inefficient healthcare programmes or education reforms when you can feed the people delicious burgers instead? This is not fast food, this is fast genius!

I can already hear the critics moaning: "Oh, it's not sustainable", "Oh, it's unhealthy". But listen, I know words. I have the best words. And I'm telling you: Burgers are freedom. Burgers are the manifesto of the elmburg dream!

Economic growth? I promise you, we will boost the gross national product with burgers. Every burger will be a small piece of prosperity. And the jobs! We will have the best burger chefs in the world. Elmburg won't just be on the map, it will be the map - and a menu!

Health? Please, as if a little more meat and cheese ever did anyone any harm. A few lettuce leaves here, a little tomato there, and we have the healthiest burger in the world. Elmburg burgers will not only be delicious, but also a symbol of robust health.

Of course, the environment. I love the environment. Nobody loves trees more than me. But we have to be realistic: Trees can't make burgers. So we have to prioritise. And my priority is clear: burgers for everyone, every day.

And yes, we will also think about our vegetarian and vegan friends. There will be special Ronald Tramp burgers that are so good that even the veg will be proud to be there.

I know what some will say: "But Ronald, how are you going to pay for that?" Simple: with a tiny, really insignificant increase in taxes on everything that isn't burgers. Because let's face it: if you're not eating burgers, you're not really contributing to society, are you?

Other countries will envy us. They'll say: "Look at Elmburg, they have free burgers. Why can't we have that too?" And I'll tell them, "Because you don't have Ronald Tramp as president."

So, my fellow Elmburgers, get ready for a future where every day is burger day. A future where Elmburg will not only be a leader in the world of politics, but also in the world of gastronomy. Under my leadership, Elmburg will be the land of the free and the home of the world's best burgers. And that, my friends, is how you make a country truly great!

Bild: Olaf Scholz "Klempner der Macht"

The Big Political Show: Ronald Tramp's view of Germany

As Elmburg's President Ronald Tramp, Donald Trump style, I say to you: Scholz's financial problems and his end to the energy price brake are like holes in a sinking ship. Merz, who thinks he is a better chancellor, reminds me of a substitute player who has never been on the pitch. The Federal Constitutional Court overturning Scholz's plans is like a referee cancelling goals. All in all, German politics looks like a reality TV show - lots of drama and little substance. From Elmburg's perspective,…

Bild: Ronald Ofarim

The Great Bluff by Gil Ofarim

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I will say it directly: Gil Ofarim's confession is a shock, but not surprising. With his invented story, he has not only damaged himself, but also the real fight against anti-Semitism. A lie that became a national drama. As the leader of Elmburg, I condemn such deceptions and call for honesty. We need truth, not reality show scandals.

Bild: General Trump

Ronald Tramp: Master of freedom and leader of Elmburg

As Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's preeminent president, I'll tell you how I lead the world - bigger and better than Donald Trump. My policies are based on freedom, not military surveillance. Trump's plans? A reality TV show compared to my grandiose leadership. In Elmburg, we rely on real strength: ideas and respect. And hey, did you know that I win the best golf tournaments?

Bild: Ronald Tusk

The greatest political spectacle: Poland's electoral madness revealed

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant President of Elmburg, expose the incredible theatre of Polish politics. Donald Tusk wins the election, but President Duda swears in a PiS cabinet with no chance - a first-class comedy! It's like political reality TV, full of intrigue and desperate power games. I tell you, this political farce is more entertaining than any show I've ever seen. Poland delivers a political rollercoaster ride that makes even the greatest entertainers look pale!