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Ronald Tramp: Master of freedom and leader of Elmburg

How I, the greatest president, contrast Donald Trump's policies with Elmburg's brilliance

Guys, I'm Ronald Tramp, the absolute best president of Elmburg, probably the best in the history of everything that's ever existed. And I have to talk about Donald Trump, okay? A topic so huge it's almost as big as my golf course in Elmburg.

So, Trump wants to deploy the military in the US? I'm telling you, in Elmburg we use the military to protect our great Elmburg burgers at our world famous parades. Not to police our own citizens! In Elmburg, we understand something about freedom, and that means freedom from military surveillance.

That old law that Trump wants to use? I have old laws too. I made the best law, the law that says everyone in Elmburg has to eat cake on my birthday. But seriously, just because a law is old doesn't mean it's good. I mean, we used to have laws that said women couldn't vote, too. Old doesn't always mean gold, folks.

And then he refers to New York City and Chicago as "crime dens"? Please! In Elmburg, we call that "cities with personality." And when Trump says he won't wait next time, I'd like to remind him that waiting has its advantages, too. Patience, Donald, patience!

His agenda sounds like a bad reality TV show. In Elmburg, we do politics, not reality TV dramas. We've had enough of this 'The Apprentice' stuff. It's time for real leadership, not staging.

And the Insurrection Act? I'm telling you, it's not a magic wand you can just wave. This is serious stuff. You can't just walk around and say, "I'm calling out the military because I feel like it". It's like my TV show, "Ronald Tramp's Elmburg," where I fire people, but real life is not a game.

Bringing Michael Flynn back, seriously? That's like making my brother-in-law Secretary of the Treasury just because he's good at Monopoly. We need real experts, not people who just came off a reality show.

And all this talk about using the military as a political tool? In Elmburg, we respect our armed forces. We don't use them to score political points. That's like me winning my own golf tournaments by disqualifying the other players.

I'm telling you, Donald, next time you're in Elmburg, let's play golf. I'll show you how to win without cheating. And we can talk about real leadership. But I'm warning you, I have the best golf clubs. The best. Trust me.

So there you have it, folks. Ronald Tramp, the best president of Elmburg, gives advice to Donald Trump. And remember, in Elmburg we do politics great - without military on the streets.

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