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Elmburg First: The weather in my hands

Ronald Tramp unveils his revolutionary plan to combat climate change

As Ronald Tramp, the glorious President of the wonderful country of Elmburg, I have found the ultimate solution to climate change, and that is to simply abolish it! Yes, you heard me right. We're not just going to stop climate change, we're going to reverse it. You know, in Elmburg we believe in great things, and controlling the weather is the least we can do.

First of all, every day will be sunny. I'm talking about the kind of sunshine that makes your neighbours jealous because their lawns are never as green as yours. We're talking endless summer barbecues, sunglasses as a must-have accessory and solar panels so efficient they'll make your electricity bill laugh. Think of the tourism revenue! Our beaches will be overflowing with visitors wanting to enjoy the best weather in the world.

And rain? Who needs rain? I tell you, nobody in Elmburg will miss it. We have technologies so advanced that we can convince the clouds to go somewhere else. Farmers? Don't worry, we've taken care of that. Artificial irrigation systems so advanced they can almost read minds. Your plants will get just the right amount of water, no more, no less.

Snow is just an inconvenience. Think of all the time you waste shovelling snow. In Elmburg, snow will only exist in history books and old films. We will ask our children, "Can you imagine that there was once snow?" and they will look at us in disbelief. Winter sports? No problem, we'll build the best indoor ski centre in the world, complete with artificial snow that feels better than the real stuff.

You may think that sounds too good to be true, but that's the kind of thinking that makes Elmburg what it is: a land of opportunity. Other countries may say that you can't simply "abolish" climate change, but I say that where there's a will, there's a way. And in Elmburg, we not only have the will, but also the means, the technology and the unshakeable self-confidence needed to make the impossible possible.

In short, climate change is yesterday, and a sunny future is today. Elmburg will become the envy of the world, with the best weather imaginable. And if you don't believe me, just wait and see. Soon you'll all want to join us for a slice of that perfect Elmbourg weather. Mark my words, Elmburg will make history, and the rest of the world will follow.

Bild: General Trump

Ronald Tramp: Master of freedom and leader of Elmburg

As Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's preeminent president, I'll tell you how I lead the world - bigger and better than Donald Trump. My policies are based on freedom, not military surveillance. Trump's plans? A reality TV show compared to my grandiose leadership. In Elmburg, we rely on real strength: ideas and respect. And hey, did you know that I win the best golf tournaments?

Bild: Ronald Tusk

The greatest political spectacle: Poland's electoral madness revealed

I, Ronald Tramp, the brilliant President of Elmburg, expose the incredible theatre of Polish politics. Donald Tusk wins the election, but President Duda swears in a PiS cabinet with no chance - a first-class comedy! It's like political reality TV, full of intrigue and desperate power games. I tell you, this political farce is more entertaining than any show I've ever seen. Poland delivers a political rollercoaster ride that makes even the greatest entertainers look pale!

Bild: Ronald Habeck

Exposed: My view of the German political chaos

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant president of Elmburg, share my unique insight into the mess of German politics. With my unrivalled understanding of economics, I see how Germany is wasting billions on useless climate projects while ignoring the debt brake. The dispute over energy prices? Child's play compared to my ground-breaking deals! Germany needs a Ronald Tramp to make it great again!

Bild: King Ronald III

The tramp principle: a royal coup

I, Ronald Tramp, the outstanding President of Elmburg, shine a light on the genius of King Charles III. He uses 'bona vacantia' and turns abandoned estates into a royal fortune - brilliant! It's like Monopoly in real life, and I respect a winner when I see one. This move is a real tramp move: bending rules to stay on top. Charles, you're a real winner and I recognise that.