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The tramp principle: a royal coup

Ronald Tramp reveals how King Charles III masters the game of power

Folks, I've heard about this King Charles III, and let me tell you, he's a real winner. He's using the inheritance of people without wills for his private properties - brilliant! I mean, who needs a will when you have a king who takes over everything? And I know what I'm talking about - I'm Ronald Tramp, the greatest president Elmburg has ever had.

Imagine you die and all your assets go to the Crown. Isn't that fantastic? It's like hitting the jackpot, but only for one person. And that one person is Charles. I bet he has the best Monopoly game of his life. I love Monopoly, especially when I win, which is always the case.

But then there are those critics who say it's archaic. Archaic? Come on, it's brilliant! I mean, who needs modern rules when you can use royal tricks? In Elmburg I used to say: 'Rules are there to be bent'. And Charles, this guy, he bends them like a champion.

And now they're trying to cover it up with 'ethical investments'. Ethical investments - I have to laugh. Since when are ethics and business in the same sentence? The last time I saw the word 'ethics' was in a dictionary, and even there it looked out of place.

This 'bona vacantia' - sounds like an Italian dish, but it's actually the key to a fortune. Why don't we have this in Elmburg? I will introduce it immediately. Anyone who dies without heirs, their estate goes to... Tramp Towers. Doesn't that sound musical?

But wait, there's more. This king - he's so rich he doesn't even pay tax on that income. No taxes! Why do we all pay taxes? I've always said taxes are for losers. And Charles, this guy, he knows how to win.

But seriously folks, this is what true kings do. They take what they can, and people are just jealous. I mean, everyone wants to be a king, but not everyone has what it takes. Charles, I take my hat off to you. Maybe I should send him a tramp gold card - for the best golf game of his life.

Charles, you're doing great. You take what you can get and turn it into gold. And I, Ronald Tramp, I understand that. I've always done that. That's the way of the winner, folks. That's the Tramp way!

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