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Making Argentina 'Great'? Milei's Great Venture

Ronald Tramp comments: The ultra-liberal Milei and his risky plan for Argentina

Well, folks, hold on tight, because I, Ronald Tramp, the grandest president of Elmburg, am going to tell you the truth about this Javier Milei, the new president of Argentina. And I tell you, it's going to be great!

So, this Milei, a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, has won the election in Argentina. Wow, what a "success". The man wants to introduce the US dollar - as if that's the panacea. I mean, I love the dollar, but come on, Milei, a little originality please!

And then his grandiose plans: abolish the central bank, close ministries, cut social spending. Doesn't that sound like a recipe for chaos? I bet in his next breath he'll suggest that all Argentinians should build their own roads and fund their own schools. Great idea, Javier, really "innovative".

Now for his living style: the man lives with five cloned mastiffs. I mean, what is that? An attempt to play Dr Doolittle? I prefer gold doorknobs and marble floors, but hey, everyone has their own style, right?

His politics: against abortion, denies climate change, calls the Pope a communist. I have to admit, it almost sounds like he's read a few chapters from my book "How to lose friends and turn people against you". But seriously, Milei, do you really think that's the way to make Argentina great?

And then his Vice President, Victoria Villarruel. She seems to love controversy, just like him. Doubts the history of the military dictatorship, has right-wing connections. I tell you, this sounds like a perfect storm.

Now that Argentina is in a deep economic crisis, Milei's plan is to abolish the peso and introduce the US dollar. Great idea, Javier! Why solve the country's problems when you can just pass them on to another currency?

But here's the sticking point: he doesn't have a parliamentary majority. That will be fun. Imagine having all these wild ideas and not being able to implement any of them. It's like trying to build a wall and then realising that nobody wants to pay for it - not that that's ever happened to me.

But seriously, guys, Milei is a prime example of what happens when you go too far. He's like a chef who thinks that more spice is always better, until the dish becomes inedible. His radical plans could do Argentina more harm than good.

And then there is the international stage. Sure, some populists like me, Ronald Tramp, might congratulate him, but what does that mean? At the end of the day, it takes more than mere words and radical ideas to lead a country.

To summarise: Milei may think he is going to save Argentina, but I think he will quickly realise that it takes more than big words and radical gestures to bring about real change. Perhaps he should learn a thing or two from Ronald Tramp - how to govern with style and a little more common sense.

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