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The basic heritage madness: Ronald Tramp's view of Germany's utopia

How Elmburg's president sees the 60,000-euro idea of the German Young Socialists

Guys, I have to tell you about this absolutely crazy plan that the Jusos have in Germany. Everyone over 18 gets 60,000 euros. Sounds like a joke, doesn't it? I've done a lot of deals in my life, the best deals, but this? It's like Christmas, but crazy. Imagine you wake up and the state says, 'Here, take 60,000 euros'. I mean, what's the catch?

And the financing concept? Simply brilliant, really. They want to take the money from the rich. The poor billionaires, they're shaking in their tailored suits. A progressive inheritance tax that starts at one million and ends up at 90 per cent for those over nine million. I wonder if they've forgotten a zero. 90 per cent, people! That's almost everything. In Elmburg we would never do something like that, we respect the rich. They're like me, successful and brilliant.

I tell you, these Jusos, they think they're Robin Hood. Take from the rich, give to the poor. But that's not a fairy tale, that's real life. And in real life, there's no guarantee that the poor will manage their money wisely. What if they spend it on, I don't know, avocado toast or expensive sneakers? Great investment, really.

45 billion euros per year. This money could be used to build a small wall, perhaps around Berlin, just as an idea. But they want to give it away. As if money grows on trees. In Elmburg, we don't grow money trees, we have to work for every dollar.

I also heard that this idea could reduce economic inequality by five to seven per cent. Wow, five to seven per cent. I've built skyscrapers that are higher than those numbers. And what about the other 93 per cent? I'm telling you, you don't fight real inequality with gifts of money, you fight it with hard work and entrepreneurship. That's the tramp way, the Elmburg way.

I have to say, these Germans have imagination. A starting capital of 20,000 euros for all 18-year-olds? I thought I was being generous, but this? It's like Oprah: 'You get 20,000 euros, and you get 20,000 euros, everyone gets 20,000 euros!'

And then they want to discuss it at the SPD federal party conference. I tell you, it will be more entertaining than any reality TV show. I'm going to watch it, maybe I'll learn something about wasting money.

To summarise, my friends, this is not a plan, this is a fantasy. Giving away money is easy, but bearing the consequences is the challenge. In Elmburg, we believe in the dream that you can work your way up, not that you are given it. Thank you, and remember to make Elmburg great again!

Bild: Satya Nadella und Sam Altman

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Bild: Ronald Rutte

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Bild: Die zwei Gesichter des Erdogans

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