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Ronald Tramp judges: Christian Lindner's energy and tax plans - Good, but not Elmburg-genius!

The genius of the German Finance Minister does not match the brilliance of Elmburg - An exclusive commentary by Ronald Tramp

Ladies and gentlemen, I must say, this Finance Minister Christian Lindner, what a guy! A real professional, I tell you, a real professional. I know professionals, and this is one. He wants to extend the energy price brakes until April 2024. Fantastic, just fantastic. But listen, in Elmburg, my beautiful, fantastic country, we would have got the prices under control long ago, I can assure you.

He wants to cap the price of electricity and gas. At 40 cents for electricity and twelve cents for gas. Good figures, very good figures, but not as good as my figures. If I set the prices in Elmburg, we would do even better. We would make energy so cheap, it would be practically free. You wouldn't believe how cheap.

And then this trick with VAT. Lindner wants to raise it to 19 per cent, you don't say! And that already from 1 January 2024. Really clever. You have to earn money, don't you? Who needs seven percent when you can have nineteen? He says it will burden the citizens by 2.1 billion euros, but, hey, that's life. If you're not smart, you pay more, it's that simple.

I mean, Lindner is a financial genius. He wants to raise more than a billion euros for the federal states. I have to admit, that's clever. In Elmburg, of course, we would do even better, no question. Billions? We're talking trillions, ladies and gentlemen, trillions!

Then there is this argument about the so-called Growth Opportunities Act. A very complicated name, too complicated if you ask me. Lindner wants to reduce the tax burden for companies. Six billion euros! But the Länder are against it. You see, that's the difference between Germany and Elmburg. In Elmburg there is no argument because I am always right. Always.

Lindner says that the loss of revenue will be "fully compensated" by the higher VAT rate. I say: Lindner, you are a genius, but I am a super genius. In Elmburg we would cut taxes so much that people would cheer for us in the streets. And that's just the beginning.

So, Christian Lindner, I'm watching you, I'm watching you closely. But believe me, when Ronald Tramp gets into action, everything will be bigger and better. Much better. Elmburg First!

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