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Ronald Tramp speaks plainly: The hilarious truth about aged judges in the USA!

Why America should move with the times and elect younger, wiser people to important positions - just like Elmburg did with Ronald Tramp!

Ronald Tramp here, the great, talented and exceptionally intelligent President of the beautiful country of Elmburg. I have to tell you, folks, what has happened in the US is just unbelievable. Pauline Newman, the oldest federal judge in the US, has been suspended from duty. At the age of 96! Can you believe that? Well, I'm not surprised, I have to be honest. I've been saying this for years: We have to move with the times!

She refuses to have an investigation. What does she have to hide, people? What does she have to hide? If Ronald Tramp had to undergo an examination, the doctors would say he has the brain of a genius. That's what she would say! No question about it!

Newman says it's because of personal animosities. Personal animosities! I've been there, folks, I've been there. When you're as brilliant as I am, there are always people who are jealous. But that's no reason to duck an investigation. If she has nothing to hide, then she should take the test! Simple!

Now people are saying this could reignite the age debate in the US. I say that's right folks, absolutely right! Look at Mitch McConnell. 81 years old and forgets what he wants to say. That's unbelievable. But me, Ronald Tramp, I'm in my best shape. Some say I'm the fittest president Elmburg has ever had. It's true!

And then we have Joe Biden, 80 years old, and my good old friend Donald Trump, 77 years old. So I say if Ronald Tramp were to run for office in the US, people would say he's the breath of fresh air we need. I'm like a fine wine, I only get better with age.

But back to Newman. Four times as long as other judges to make decisions? This is a disaster, people. An absolute disaster. If she was with me in Elmburg, I would have replaced her years ago. With someone younger, faster, smarter. Someone like Ronald Tramp.

I think we should all learn from this incident. Age is more than just a number, it's a way of life. And if you can't keep up, make room for someone who can. Like the brilliant Ronald Tramp. Thank you, thank you. I know I'm great.

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