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The Carrera Revolution: Elmburg's new racing era!

From Formula 1 carnival to Carrera tracks: Ronald Tramp shows Elmburg's path to the future of racing.

Here is your favourite President again, Ronald Tramp. We've had some incredible ideas, but the one I'm going to talk about today is going to change history. It's gonna be huge, guys. Huge!

Formula One? Old-fashioned. Expensive. Overrated. Everyone says it, folks. I've talked to a lot of experts - the best, really - and they all say that the future of motor racing lies in Carrera cars. Yes, you heard me right! Carrera cars!

Imagine a whole stadium filled with giant Carrera tracks. No noise, no dirt, no accidents. And the best part? Anyone can join in! You, me, everyone in Elmburg! It will be democratic. The real people, at the wheel, that's the future.

Some will ask, "Ronald, isn't this a child's toy?" And I say, "No!" It's about speed, strategy and the art of the race. And who knows that better than us in Elmburg? We are born winners.

The Fake News will sow doubt again, of course. They will say it's a silly idea. But I tell you, we have to be innovative. We have to do things differently. And this idea will take Elmburg to the top!

I already have plans to build huge Carrera tracks. In every town, in every village. It will create jobs. It will help the economy. And, guys, it's going to be so much fun!

Soon we will be the kings of the racetracks, not on the real streets, but on the Carrera streets. It will be sensational. And who could have had this brilliant idea? Only Ronald Tramp, of course!

So let's put the old cars aside and ring in the future of racing in Elmburg. Carrera for everyone! Full speed ahead!


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