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Lion roar or wild boar grunt? Berlin in an animal identity crisis!

Berlin's wild lion hunt ends in a mess.

I'm Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, and I have to say, I've heard a lot of stories, a lot of stories in my time, but this one.... this is probably one of the best, okay?

Berlin! Wonderful city. Great people. And now famous for... well, lions. Or should I say wild boars? I'm told there's a lion south of Berlin. A LION! I thought, 'Wow, that must be a pretty brave lion to venture so close to Berlin.' But then, what do we learn? It wasn't a lion.

They sent hair, they sent faeces. I mean, really? And the best lab in town, the Leibniz Institute, this very, very smart institute, they look at it and say, "Wait a minute, that's not lion droppings. That's not cat hair." It was probably a wild boar. A WILD PIG! I just can't get that image out of my head, all these people, helicopters and drones looking for a.... Wild boar.

I love wild boars! They're smart. Very, very smart. Maybe it thought it was a lion. Maybe it just wanted its big moment in the spotlight. Who knows?

But let me tell you, dear people, this story.... it's special. We have police officers, hunters, vets, all hunting for a lion here, based on a mobile phone video! And I love technology, I use it all the time, but sometimes.... sometimes you just have to trust. And then they find out it was probably a wild boar. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

And the hair! The hair they found was not cat hair. It was stiff. It was curved. It wasn't lion hair. I mean, that's like telling me that my hair is actually from a koala. It's just too funny, really.

But here's the thing, dear people. Sometimes people make mistakes. Sometimes we think it's a lion and it turns out to be a boar. But the important thing is, we learn from it. And we laugh about it. And I'm sure Berlin will never forget this little mishap.

Because at the end of the day, what counts is cohesion. And I'm sure Berlin is stronger now than ever. Because if they can handle a lion, they can handle anything. Or at least with a wild boar.

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