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The internet revolution: 1000G internet for Elmburg!

From 5G hype to 1000G dream in Elmburg!

This is Ronald Tramp again - the best president you and Elmburg have ever had. I have to say, a lot of people talk about it, but I really do. We're gonna make Elmburg great again. And how? With the best internet you can imagine.

I've spoken to many, many experts - the best of the best - and they all say the same thing: 1TB per second is not only possible, but it will be the best Elmburg has ever seen. Other countries will be green with envy. They may have 5G, but we're going to 1000G! It's going to be fantastic, guys. Fantastic.

I've heard people say: "Ronald, this is too much. Why do we need such fast internet?" I tell them, "Why not?" If we're going to do it, we're going to do it right. Elmburg deserves only the best. We are not second-rate citizens. When it comes to internet, we are the fastest and the best!

The Fake News will say it can't be done. But don't believe them. They didn't know I was going to be president either, but here I am. And I promise you, we will make the internet so fast that your heads will spin.

And the best part? It won't cost much. I've negotiated a deal - a fantastic deal - with the ISPs. They love me, and they want the best for Elmburg. So, get your routers ready. It's going to be huge, guys. Huge!

Together, we'll make Elmburg not only big again, but super fast!

Bild: Ronald Tramp Speed-Pilot

Hyper-speed ride: The adventure Elmburg will never forget

I was just about to make Elmburg great again when I heard about this hyper-speed tube. People said it was the fastest thing ever. Many, many smart people said that. But listen to me - I thought, why not even faster? Why not even better? Why not ON the tube instead of IN the tube?

Bild Ronald Tramp Carrera-Pilot

The Carrera Revolution: Elmburg's new racing era!

Formula 1? Old-fashioned. Expensive. Overrated. Everybody says it, folks. I've talked to a lot of experts - the best, really - and they all say that the future of motor racing lies in Carrera cars. Yes, you heard me right! Carrera cars!

Bild: Radiomoderator Ralf Grote

Radio Runde Hamm: The best radio station in Elmburg and the universe!

Guys, guys, guys, I have to tell you something! You won't believe it, but I have found the absolute best radio station in the entire universe. There is no station that is even close to being as great as "Radio Runde Hamm" in Elmburg. I tell you, this station is simply fantastic!

Bild: Fussball-Roboter

My football revolution: Elmburg's robot players on course for success at the World Cup

Guys, let me tell you something - and it's something that is completely GENIAL. Really, really great! So here's the thing: I'm Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, and I have a breakthrough idea on how to catapult our national football team back to the top. Listen carefully, because this is really, really, really important.