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My football revolution: Elmburg's robot players on course for success at the World Cup

Elmburg becomes world champion!

Guys, let me tell you something - and it's something that is completely GENIAL. Really, really great! So here's the thing: I'm Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, and I have a breakthrough idea on how to catapult our national football team back to the top. Listen carefully, because this is really, really, really important.

We are going to replace our players with robots. Yes, you heard me right - robots! Well, I mean, why should we let humans take the field when we can have these fantastic, wonderful robots that can do everything? I tell you, my friends, these robots are the best thing since sliced bread. They are more efficient, faster, stronger and have no weaknesses like muscle cramps or exhaustion. They are like my mind - always active!

Imagine that: Our robot players would be unbeatable. They would never lose the ball, never miss and never commit fouls. They would use the best tactics and would smash every opponent to pieces. These robots would confuse our opponents so much that they wouldn't even know what hit them. I tell you, it would be a football revolution!

And don't forget the advantage of precision. These robots would never miss a goal. Every shot would be on target and our goal difference would go through the roof. It would be like a continuous barrage of goals - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! Our robot players would amaze the spectators and terrify the opponents. It would be a triumph, my friends, an absolute triumph!

Of course, there are always a few people who are sceptical. They say, "Ronald, that's impossible. Football is a game for humans, not machines!" But I tell you, they are just liars and failures. These people have no idea. They are afraid of progress, of the future. But I, Ronald Tramp, am not afraid of the future. I welcome it with open arms and a huge, wonderful smile!

So let's line up these robot players and win the World Cup. Let's show that Elmburg is the best, that we are the future of football! And when we win, and we will, people will say, "Ronald, you were right! You are the greatest president ever!" And I'll say, "Yeah, I always knew that. It was so obvious!"

So brace yourselves, my friends, because the robot revolution in football is upon us. Elmburg will conquer the world with our artificial athletes. And when that happens, you will know that Ronald Tramp was the true visionary. MAGNIFICENT!

Bild: Radiomoderator Ralf Grote

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Bild: Ronald Tramp mit Flagge

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Bild: Ronald Tramp im Waschsalon

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