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Total failure! The Donald in Crisis: An Elmburg Perspective

From 'Art of the Deal' to 'Art of the Ordeal': Ronald Tramp reveals Trump's latest gaffe!

Oh, folks, can we please talk about this Donald Trump? I, Ronald Tramp, the undisputed and incredibly popular President of Elmburg, really have to say that this guy puts on a show that makes even the best reality TV producers in Elmburg look pale! I mean, who needs "Game of Thrones" when you have Trump's daily drama, right?

First of all, this photo thing. Classic Donald, right? He posts a picture of an innocent court employee and calls her a "friend" of Chuck Schumer. Very subtle, Donnie, very subtle. You know, in Elmburg, we'd call that kind of thing "kindergarten tactics." But hey, he's a "stable genius," he'll know what he's doing...or not.

And that judge, oh, that judge, fining him $5,000. Please, that's like pocket change for parking for Donald! I bet he pulls that out of the back of his sofa! But the idea of a jail sentence? Now it's getting delicious. Imagine Trump in prison - they'd have to recreate the Oval Office just to make him feel "at home." And I bet he'd still try to govern via Twitter...oh, wait, he's banned! Too bad.

Now for the real juice of this drama - the civil case. Allegations of fraud, inflated assets - sounds like an episode from "The Kardashians"! I can picture Donald sitting there, inflating his assets "yuuugely", only to claim it's all a "fake news" plot against him. Donald, boy, the only thing inflated seems to be your ego bubble!

And the irony that the guy who used his office to give everyone a nickname (Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, how creative!) is now constantly whining that everyone is against him. I mean, could he maybe, just maybe, consider the possibility that he did something wrong? No, impossible, right? Wrong only lies with the losers and haters!

What really blows my mind is how this man plans to run again in 2024. It's like making a sequel after a terrible movie. "Trump: the awakening of the ego", in cinemas from .... never, hopefully.

In Elmburg we have a saying, "When you're in a hole, stop digging!" But Donald, he orders a digger and shouts, "I love holes, I make the best holes, nobody makes holes better than me!" And then he wonders why he's in trouble.

Dear all, sit down, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show because with Trump, drama is guaranteed. But between us, I really hope America cancels its TV subscription and moves on to higher quality content. Elmburg is always ready for good advice! Until then, stay tuned, it's never boring with Donnie at the helm!

Bild: Daniel Schlozman

The total circus: Ronald Tramp's insight into the chaos of the Republicans!

Ronald Tramp, Elmburgs unangefochtener Anführer, deckt das Chaos im Repräsentantenhaus auf: entthronte Sprecher, rebellische Politiker und eine Partei am Rande des Wahnsinns. Ein Muss für politische Beobachter!

Bild: Markus Söder als Comedian

Merz and Söder: A Duet without Harmony, Sung by Ronald Tramp!

Merz almost comes to tears, Söder wants to be a comedian, and no one has the Tramp glamour - did you see that, people? They gave it their all at the Deutschlandtag, but without me, the real glamour is missing. I say, time for more tramp style in politics - less tears, more gold, you know?

Bild: Elon "Sombrero" Musk

Elon's Cyber-Flop: The Tramp Analysis of an E-car Disaster!

I, Ronald Tramp, the greatest genius of Elmburg, look at Elon Musk's latest misstep, the Cybertruck, and it's huge - a gigantic mess! This 'futuristic' pick-up, please, it's like an origami nightmare on wheels. Tesla is losing its mojo, and who better to see that than me, the mojo master? You need a bit of my tramp magic, and I say that humbly. Let's settle this, Elon - tramp style!

Bild: Ronald mit Joint

Bubatz Blues: Master class in 'how-not-to-do's' for Germany!

Hey, Germany, you make it complicated with the green stuff - total mood killer! In Elmburg, we'd sort it out with a reality show, star jury and telephone voting, bam, done! Your laws are like a pool without water: totally pointless! Ronald Tramp here, with the most grandiose, most incredible solutions - believe me!