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The total circus: Ronald Tramp's insight into the chaos of the Republicans!

Of dethroned speakers and rebellious clowns: Here's what's going on in the House of Representatives!

Okay, okay, sit down, buckle up, because Ronald Tramp, the very greatest, most incredible, most impressive President of Elmburg - much better than any other President in the whole world, I promise - is about to tell you the whole, unvarnished truth about what's going on with these Republicans in the House of Representatives. And believe me, it's a circus! A real circus, but without the popcorn and the elephants!

Kevin McCarthy, a guy who might have been a good guy at one time, has been kicked out. FLUSHED OUT! By rebels, imagine that. Matt Gaetz, the leader, is more interested in his TV time than he is in.... well, anything that a normal person would care about. And now we have this power vacuum, it's like trying to drink an ocean with a straw - pointless!

Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, the heroes in shining armour, thought they could save the day, but no! The party is split, folks, like a cheap steak. And everybody knows Ronald Tramp only likes the best steak, very expensive, very luxurious.

And this guy, this Daniel Schlozman from some schmancy university, is talking about how our beautiful Republican Party now has more holes than my golf course in Elmburg. And that's saying something! There is no order anymore, none. It's like someone took the rule book and burned it for fun.

But here comes the real shocker: Fox News. Yes, the media! These politicians hang out there like teenagers desperately trying to be celebrity influencers. Serious governing? Pah! It's as out of fashion as tax returns - and between us, who needs them?

Mr Schlozman thinks it's all a "strategy". Right. If their strategy is to run around like a chicken without a head, then they've done an A+ job, really first class. They don't want real power, they want Twitter followers. Priorities, people!

And all this betrayal? It's like a soap opera, but without the good hair and make-up. They throw more daggers in each other's backs than actors in a bad spy movie. And the saddest thing is, they think they're the good guys.

What do we learn from this? The rebels may think they're running the show, but without a script, it's only a matter of time before the audience switches. Believe me, I know about good shows. Very good shows. The best.

So, my friends, pack your popcorn, because it's all over the place with these Republicans. Ronald Tramp has spoken, and if I can assure you of one thing, it's that the drama is just beginning. Stay tuned! It's going to be fantastic, enormously fantastic!

Bild: Oskar Lafontaine

Sahra Wagenknecht Shakes up the Left: The Tramp Take!

Folks, brace yourselves, Ronald Tramp here, and I'll tell you what's really going on in German politics! Sahra Wagenknecht is shaking up the Left like an Elmburger smoothie - she's going out and taking her mandate with her because she can! There's drama, there's passion, and yes, there's even that Gysi guy standing in the flickering light!

Bild: Tanzender Ronald Tramp

"Goofy-Mania": Ronald Tramp declares it the national word of Elmburg!

Hey, "Goofy" won, huge! I, Ronald Tramp, am officially the Goofy-In-Chief of Elmburg. What a word folks, it describes my hair on windy days! Goofy is not just a word, it's a way of life, just ask my golf caddy. We make Elmburg goofier, so goofier that even the street dogs will laugh!

Bild: Markus Söder als Comedian

Merz and Söder: A Duet without Harmony, Sung by Ronald Tramp!

Merz almost comes to tears, Söder wants to be a comedian, and no one has the Tramp glamour - did you see that, people? They gave it their all at the Deutschlandtag, but without me, the real glamour is missing. I say, time for more tramp style in politics - less tears, more gold, you know?

Bild: Donald Trump in der goldenen Zelle

Total failure! The Donald in Crisis: An Elmburg Perspective

I, Ronald Tramp, present a ruthless analysis of the latest Trump debacle! The former US President, known for his 'best' deals, is now stumbling over legal disputes, kicking up more dust than an Elmburg sandstorm! From childish games to serious court issues, Donald's dramas are more entertaining than Elmburg's primetime TV!