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Merz and Söder: A Duet without Harmony, Sung by Ronald Tramp!

Elmburg's top president Tramp analyses the JU show - spoiler: He would have done better!

All right, people, fasten your seatbelts, because here comes Ronald Tramp, the most sensational, fantastic, incredible president Elmburg has ever seen - that's true, ask anyone. Now, this Young Union Germany Day, wow, was that a circus or what? A bit like "The Apprentice", but without the great host - me!

So, there we have Merz sauntering onto the stage with a voice that almost fails. Reminded me of the time I wanted the last piece of cake, but someone beat me to it. Tragic! He talks about anxiety and dental work. Hello? If you want to talk about teeth, Freddy, look at mine: shiny, flawless, the best!

And then, hold on to your hats, comes Markus "Der Stimmungsmacher" Söder. The man jumps from topic to topic as if he's on a political trampoline. He talks about everything - Israel, migration, this traffic light thing that he thinks is absolutely "k.o.". I don't love traffic lights, especially red ones. Green means "go", and in Elmburg, under my leadership, we always go forward, huge forward!

But the highlight? Söder, the comedian. He imagines Baerbock and Roth in Mongolia, fighting for feminist politics. I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats. I could watch it again and again. But Markus, Buddy, let's keep it real: Foreign policy is not a stand-up club. Although if I had a club, it would be the best, believe me.

Merz, the poor guy, he offers Scholz help. Since then? Nada. Zilch. A nice dinner, he says. Freddy, kid, this isn't a date, it's politics! You need more than good table manners to rock this thing. You need the Tramp touch. Golden forks, golden spoons, all gold!

Söder's call to fight anti-Semitism no matter where it comes from is strong, as strong as the walls of Elmburg - the biggest walls, by the way. But passport withdrawal? That's like trying to nail a pudding to the wall. Good luck with that, Marky Mark.

And the kicker, folks: Söder calls for unity after creating so much chaos himself. Mark, that's like setting a fire and then calling the fire brigade. But you know what? I love fire brigades. Great trucks, so red, so fast, like Elmburg under my reign!

At the end of the day, friends, it was a show worth watching. Drama, laughter, tears, a bit like my daily routine. Merz and Söder, they tried to show their best sides. But folks, there is only one who always, 100%, shows his best side - Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's shining star! Stay tuned, it only gets better!

Bild: Tanzender Ronald Tramp

"Goofy-Mania": Ronald Tramp declares it the national word of Elmburg!

Hey, "Goofy" won, huge! I, Ronald Tramp, am officially the Goofy-In-Chief of Elmburg. What a word folks, it describes my hair on windy days! Goofy is not just a word, it's a way of life, just ask my golf caddy. We make Elmburg goofier, so goofier that even the street dogs will laugh!

Bild: Daniel Schlozman

The total circus: Ronald Tramp's insight into the chaos of the Republicans!

Ronald Tramp, Elmburgs unangefochtener Anführer, deckt das Chaos im Repräsentantenhaus auf: entthronte Sprecher, rebellische Politiker und eine Partei am Rande des Wahnsinns. Ein Muss für politische Beobachter!

Bild: Donald Trump in der goldenen Zelle

Total failure! The Donald in Crisis: An Elmburg Perspective

I, Ronald Tramp, present a ruthless analysis of the latest Trump debacle! The former US President, known for his 'best' deals, is now stumbling over legal disputes, kicking up more dust than an Elmburg sandstorm! From childish games to serious court issues, Donald's dramas are more entertaining than Elmburg's primetime TV!

Bild: Elon "Sombrero" Musk

Elon's Cyber-Flop: The Tramp Analysis of an E-car Disaster!

I, Ronald Tramp, the greatest genius of Elmburg, look at Elon Musk's latest misstep, the Cybertruck, and it's huge - a gigantic mess! This 'futuristic' pick-up, please, it's like an origami nightmare on wheels. Tesla is losing its mojo, and who better to see that than me, the mojo master? You need a bit of my tramp magic, and I say that humbly. Let's settle this, Elon - tramp style!